Thanks to Making it all work and a few other blogs, we are giving away this Minnie Mouse boutique vacuum to one lucky reader. Wouldn’t you love to gift this to a special little girl this holiday?!! This vacuum is so cute and I am sure a little girl would love to receive it. Enter using the short and easy rafflecopter form below. Good luck!!
**This giveaway is no way sponsored or affiliated with facebook, twitter, or any other entity.
cabbage patch doll
yep I think it was the cabbage patch kid doll and the rubiks cube was pretty hot for a while too
cabbage patch kid
OMG, I really wanted an easy bake oven…can’t believe they’re still around 🙂
Everyone else wanted Easy Bake Ovens, Barbies and stuff like that. I just wanted Legos and a science kit. 😛 (Though I did have the first two items as well.)
Barbie was the hottest toy when i was growing up. Everytime my parents gave me my allowence i would save it to buy more barbie products. I had the suitcase closet, the van, barbie, ken, her friends and lil stacy:) Good times, good times.
Cabbage Patch Dolls
The easy bake oven.
Big wheels!!!
The Barbie convertible was something I always wanted
Barbie :o)
a Barbie Camper or Dream House
My size barbie and cabbage patch
cabbage patch kids
It was an easy bake oven and a Barbie. My favorite was when my mother stayed up half of the night to make clothes when I finally got a Barbie. I still have them.
Anything strawberry shortcake. Although I preferred Lincoln logs and Legos.
Cabbage Patch Dolls! I still have mine from when I was a kid 🙂
The baby doll that pee’s
The Easy bake oven.
Well I guess I wasn’t your typical kid.. I wanted a bb gun and big wheel ! lol
When I was Young Getting a brand new pair of Ice Skates or a new Bike was the Big Gift!!
cabbage patch doll
Atari! Thanks for the chance to win:)
Popples was the must have gift
cabbage patch doll
Mun Chi Chi’s
Nintendo was the thing to have.
Thanks for the chance.
Terri Lee Doll
Easy Bake Oven
cabbage patch dolls
My little girl would love the Minnie Mouse Vacuum! She loves her Minnie Mouse
cabbage patch
cabbage patch
Barbie for sure!
Cabbage patch doll
Cabbage patch dolls and power wheels!
When I was in 5th grade everyone HAD to have the Tickle Me Elmo!
Cabbage Patch dolls—and then my mom made her own style so i had those
It was polly pockets and lisa franks 🙂
cabbage patch
Barbie was hot and so was anything Charlie’s Angels!
easy bake oven
Easy Bake Oven for sure!!
It was barbie or easy bake oven! loved both
Mine was an ez bake oven and I never got one,.
cabbage patch kids and barbies
Atrai was a big thing.
Cabbage Patch dolls were big for awhile
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There was actually a couple, Cabbage Patch Kids, Easy Bake Oven, Furby’s.
Cabbage Patch Kids, Smurfs, Muppets
Strawberry shortcake dolls
I used to love Barbie dolls
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Yep, Cabbage Patch Kids for me too.
care bears
I don’t remember… lol
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Care Bears! 🙂 Well for me it was! 🙂
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Miss Cookie’s Kitchen Colorforms playset
my daughter would love this minnie mouse vacuum.
The Bop It !
Talk about a walk down memory lane!! Growing up in MY generation, the big item was the Nintendo. To this day I will never forget how I felt when I opened the box!! And Cabbage Patch!! I loved the whole experience of “adopting’ a Cabbage Patch Doll!
I stay out side a lot when I was little on a bike 🙂
Didn’t really desire anything. Appreciated anything my Mom could afford. I remember three great Christmas’ . When I was five Mr. & Mrs. Claus personally visited my home, when I was 10 I received my first bicycle, when I was 12 I got a Cher doll. These may not have been the “gotta have” toys of the time, but they were priceless to me.
My favorite toy growing up was my water baby
Cabbage Patch Dolls and Barbie.
Easy bake oven!
It was in the 1970’s the first pull string talking Barbie & the first Barbie Camper,also Baby a live
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Tamagachi’s lol !!!
I remember the one big thing I wanted when growing up was a Furby and I was so upset that they stopped selling them, but with them coming back now, I would not get my daughter one..they’re very annoying. lol
I loved Horses so I got books about horses and horse toys.
cabbage patch!!
Jem and the Hollograms!!
furby…. the first time around! 🙂
It was the Cabbage Patch Kid dolls, I still have mine.
Chatty Cathy
I loved my original Nintendo!!!
Well from what i remember it was cabbage patch dolls
A Barbie Dreamhouse
cabbage patch dolls
I remember that Cabbage Patch dolls were an obsession to the point of being dangerous. I think I was about 9 years-old then.
Definitely cabbage patch kids!
Easy bake oven
Easy bake oven
Barbie Dream House & Cabbage Patch Kids
anything barbie, super nintendo =]
I had a toy that made creepy bugs and worms out of plastic. You pored the goop into a tray and placed in this oven-like thing and baked them. I cannot remember the name of it……..
Cabbage Patch Kids were the hot toy toy when I was little. My mom tells me stories about how she had everyone out looking for the doll that Christmas & I ended up with 2 of them! 🙂
my favorite toy was polly pockets
Cabbage patch dolls!
Cabbage Patch dolls
The cabbage patch doll was the number one gift when I was little
I can’t remember, I don’t remember anything from growing up.
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Cabbage patch dolls, the original furby
baby alive. it was back ordered and took forever to get it
Cabbage patch kids
I forget what it was called but there was a doll that crawled.
Cabbage Patch Kids were the IT thing 😉
Oh my goodness… Scamps the dog, Baby Alive, and Bubble Up Pup!
Tamagachis, Furbys, Polly Pockets!
a poochi!
I would say my big wheel.
Wow! A lot of 80’s kids! It was def a cabbage patch doll