Volvo Transmission Problems: Your Go-To Troubleshooting Guide

Generally, Volvos are regarded as precision machines. They’re reliable, which is one of the reasons why they have remained a household name for the past several decades. However, it is not unheard of to encounter transmission problems with your Volvo.

Volvo transmission problems are seldom as bad as they seem, though. We’ll discuss how you can troubleshoot one of these issues right now.

The Transmission Slipping

The transmission slipping is one of the most common problems you’re likely to encounter with Volvos. Assuming you have an automatic, the way this manifests itself is if your vehicle wobbles in between gears.

If this happens, you might not have enough fluid. Your transmission’s fluid eases the car’s changing from one gear to another.

There may also be an irregularity with one of the links that holds the gear in place. You’ll want to get a mechanic to check out this problem as soon as possible since it could be dangerous if your vehicle does this while you’re in heavy traffic.

The Transmission Jerking

You might also feel the vehicle jerk when you’re either pressing the gas pedal or changing gears. This usually indicates that there’s either not enough transmission fluid or else that it needs to be changed.

You may also hear a stuttering noise while changing gears or the vehicle could surge or buck. That uneven shifting between gears can almost always be traced back to lubrication issues. Again, you will need to find a mechanic who can look at the transmission, preferably one who knows about Volvos specifically.

The Car Stalling

If you have a Volvo that starts to stall, that is also indicative of a serious problem. Since you don’t want a breakdown on a lonely stretch of highway, you should get that looked at right away as well.

The Volvo stalling often means you have an issue with your transmission line. You have what’s called a torque converter in your car. The vehicle stalling usually happens if the torque converter is not engaging and disengaging like it should.

Stalling could be due to other problems, though. The electrical system could be to blame, or it might be the engine in some instances.

Sudden Deceleration and Acceleration

If your Volvo either accelerates or decelerates suddenly, that’s worth a mechanic’s attention as well. If you get an engine surge, the car will either slow down or speed up, even when you’re applying steady, even pressure to the accelerator.

Your Volvo should accelerate smoothly when you press down on the gas. If its movement seems rocky or uneven, that’s often a transmission problem.

Lunging forward and falling backward isn’t much fun, especially if you’re in stop-and-go traffic. You don’t want to feel like you’re on a rollercoaster when you’re in your car.Overall, Volvos have fewer transmission problems than many other vehicles on the market. No machine lasts forever, though, and if you experience any of the issues we mentioned, you should get your Volvo to a qualified mechanic without delay.

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