Dislaimer; I received these products for free in exchange for my review and my honest opinion, I have not been compensated in any other way.
I have been using CBD products for about a 3 years now and I know they work, some better than others and I have to tell you that these new CBD and Hemp products I received really work and do what they claim it will do.
I have Post Polio and with that comes the arthritis, pain and muscle weakness, these CBD and Hemp products really help me deal with the pain that I have and helps me cope with my daily routine, I highly recommend these CBD and Hemp products Let me share with you the products I received.

This smooth and effective Sleep Tincture is designed to give you the relaxation you’re looking for. At this concentration, you can customize your dose to what works for you! With added botanicals, a higher dose of CBN, and smooth flavor, this sublingual tincture is sure to be a go-to in your nighttime routine. Try all of Oscity’s Sleep products for the best nights sleep.

Start with 1/2 a mL (33mg CBD) and work your way up as needed. Oscity utilizes Organic Farming practices, robust third-party testing, and state-of-the-art processes to ensure the highest quality hemp products available on the market. https://www.oscity.com/pages/sleep#
CBD+CBG Calm Gummies – Peach Mango

These Peach Mango gummies are designed to give you the calm you’re looking for using simple and tasty ingredients. With added botanicals, a higher dose of CBG, and smooth flavor, this tropical gummy will wash away the worry.

Start with 1/2 a gummy and work your way up as needed. Oscity utilizes Organic Farming practices, robust third-party testing, and state-of-the-art processes to ensure the highest quality hemp products available on the market. Check Oscity’s Calming products. https://www.oscity.com/pages/calm
CBD+CBN Sleep Gummies – Wildberry

These Wild Berry gummies are designed to give you the relaxation you’re looking for. A higher dose of CBN and smooth flavor, this gummy is sure to be a go-to in your nighttime routine.
Start with 1/2 a gummy and work your way up as needed. Oscity utilizes Organic Farming practices, robust third-party testing, and state-of-the-art processes to ensure the highest quality hemp products available on the market. https://www.oscity.com/pages/sleep#
CBD+CBDV Energy Gummies – Tangerine

These Tangerine gummies are designed to give you the boost you’re looking for using simple and tasty ingredients. With a higher dose of CBDV and tangy flavor, this citrus gummy is sure to be a go-to in your morning routine.

By combining the therapeutic benefits of Full Spectrum CBD and boosting the CBDV, their Energy products offers a perfect way to boost your mind and body. https://www.oscity.com/pages/energy

Heat is sweet! That’s right, we all know there are times that a little added heat can make everything better. When that heat was made to penetrate deep to the source, there is nothing else like it.

Oscity’s Heating and Cooling Gels are formulated with the highest understanding of CBD and organic ingredients, producing a product that works faster and better. IT WORKS LIKE MAGIC! https://www.oscity.com/pages/fahrenheit
Utilizing the highest forms of technology currently available, they provide quality in-house cannabinoid extraction, distillation and formulations allowing Oscity to create excellence in wellness products.

Every human body has a regulating system called the Endocannabinoid System. We are born with one. Many parts of the cannabinoid molecule can be used to aid in REAL wellness because of this biological regulatory system. Oscity products are formulated to maximize the intake of cannabinoids through purity and efficacy.
Outdoor Grow, they have 250 acres of outdoor grow operations using regenerative farming practices.

Their goal is clear

Utilizing the highest forms of technology currently available, they provide quality in-house cannabinoid extraction and distillation. remediation uses the latest innovation in THC remediation.
Oscity’s Pledge

– To make pure and effective products that will help all veterans and active service members get their physical and mental heal back to normal
– To engage veteran customers by placing products in VSOs
– To create events around veteran advocacy and Cannabinoid education
– To engage with health & Wellness professionals who aid in veteran services
– To setup focus groups for the study of Oscity products and their effectiveness on helping veterans with specific mental and physical health concerns
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