The top 4 reasons it can be a challenge to stop a bad habit


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Bad habits including drinking alcohol and drug abuse are hard to stop. this is because in most cases, the habit has developed over a considerable period of time. Our environment may also not be friendly to the changes we intend to make. You will find that with the right mindset, it is not difficult to quit drinking or any other bad habit you may have. There are a number of reasons why quitting a bad habit is so hard. By understanding this simple principle, then you can easily quit any bad habit you may have.

Here are the top 4 reasons it can be a challenge to stop a bad habit;

1. Negative motivations

Negative emotions such as fear, regret, and guilt hinder people from being committed to change. Sometimes due to our past experiences that resulted to shame or guilt, we may not give change a chance. In order to change a bad habit or quit bad habits, positive emotions must be encouraged. You must be willing to change and also appreciate the positive effects quitting a bad habit will have on you and your loved ones. Once you focus on positive emotions, it is possible to quit bad habits.

2. Unrealistic goals

A habit is formed over a period of time. Quitting such a habit will also take some time. You need to have realistic, measurable actions and goals. Ensure that you also set up performance targets. Doing so can help you overcome even your worst habit. In some cases, you will need to attend seminars and webinars regarding quitting a bad habit. You can learn from the experts or people with experience on how they managed to quit their worst habit.

3. Lack of commitment

There is no habit that is difficult to change if you are committed. Your mindset and attitude towards the whole idea will also determine if you are successful in changing the habit. There are many success stories of people who have quit drinking, smoking or drug abuse simply because they remained focus to their goal. In any bad habit change, commitment plays a big role. For you to be committed, you need to know what you need to do and how to do it. You may get professional help on knowing what you ought to do in order to quit that bad habit.

4. Moral support

The main challenge you will face while trying to quit a bad habit is the willpower to keep on track. This is especially so if peers and family do not support your change of behavior. At that time, you should surround yourself with people who support your willingness to change. It becomes easier to have a partner who supports your cause. You may get such support online from experts in behavioral change. You may also join forums and platforms that share your aspiration. You will get insights and the support you need to quit bad habits

These challenges to behavioral changes that can help you quit bad habits can be avoided if you get proper guidance. You may consult experts in various fields who have quit bad habits easily. You can learn how they did it and if you adopt their tips, then you can also be successful in quitting any bad habit.


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