Dancing Moon Coffee Review



Disclaimer: I received these products for free for a review and my honest opinion


Let me say first, that I have had many different kinds of coffee and I can honestly say that Dancing Moon coffee’s are the best I have ever had. Their flavors and taste are a one of a kind coffee. Now, Let me tell you about Dancing Moon Coffee,  In each of the world’s great coffee regions there are only a handful of coffees that are truly extraordinary. Delicious complex coffees that are treasured above all others. Coffees that have to be tasted to be believed. These are the remarkable coffees that Dancing Moon has sought out. These are The Legendary Coffees of Dancing Moon. They are truly  a one of a kind coffee that cannot be touched by any other coffee that I have tried.


Dancing Moon Full Moon Blend is a countless combinations of fresh-roasted beans our roasters struck coffee gold. We begin with the caramel sweetness of the finest Central American and Colombian beans. We then add just a bit of Brazilian for a hint of chocolate. And, finally, a small kiss of Sumatra for its wild and earthy complexity. This marriage is truly a coffee that will make your taste. It is available in 12oz. packages ( fresh ground) and 32 oz. (whole bean).


For generations, coffee connoisseurs have treasured Nariño as one of the best coffees in the world. In fact, this legendary Colombian coffee may be as close to heaven as a coffee can get. It’s grown at altitudes reaching up to over 7,000 feet on the perilously steep slopes of Mount Galeras — one of the world’s most active volcanoes. This marriage of extremely high altitude and a unique mineral-rich soil that’s refreshed by frequent volcanic eruptions helps to create flavors that other coffees cannot even begin to imitate.  Almost all Colombian coffee is grown on small family farms and picked by hand. And all Colombian coffee is strictly graded for quality. Dancing Moon is the very finest grade.  It is available in 12oz. packages and 32 oz. packages


Grown on the pristine slopes of Mt. Kenya, Kirinyaga is widely regarded as one of the most complex and flavor-dense coffees in the world. With its rich aromatic oils, our Kenya Kirinyaga selection has an opulent, intense, full-bodied flavor that is accompanied by almost-sweet overtones of tropical fruits and berries. A bright acidity amplifies the bold flavor while making this very special Kenya uniquely refreshing. Most coffee in Kenya is grown on small farms that are organized into Co-ops. No matter where it’s grown, all Kenyan coffee must pass strict tests for quality required by the Coffee Board of Kenya. Ours is Kenya AA, the very highest grade. It is available in 12oz. packages and 32 oz packages.


Dancing Moon Coffees also make Sumatra Mandheling, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Jamaica Blue Mountain and also Jamaica Blue Moon Single Serve. Coffee is very much like wine. Its flavor depends on much more than just the type of coffee plant from which the fruit is harvested. It depends on precisely where it’s grown. The balance of sun and shade. The amount of rain. The acidity of the soil and its mineral content. Even the air itself. Complex combinations of countless variables and whims of nature. But scattered around the world, there are a handful of places where this alchemy of nature produces pure gold and a legendary coffee is born.  These are the remarkable coffees that Dancing Moon seeks out and brings to you. You will enjoy all of these coffee’s so give them a try and enjoy the best coffee you will have drink.  You can only buy Dancing Moon on Amazon,  here is link to their Great Coffee, https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Dancing+Moon+Coffee











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