Disclaimer: I received this product free for my review and honest opinion
Finally someone has came up with a great way to get alerts, texts and other things from your phone with having to carry your phone around all the time. This is the neatest little device I have ever seen and it does a great job. You can wear the little device as a clip on or a wristband and it is very easy to install the Ditto App for you phone and ready set go, your ready to use your Ditto device. it is something to free people from worrying about
their smartphones and to be more present in life. Ditto is tiny and elegant. No buttons, switches, lights displays, or cables. Less is more.
These are the notifications you get from Ditto App Device , incoming calls, texts , emails and even a alert when you leave your phone behind, it has a silent alarm to wake you up and it won’t disturb you partner, also it alerts you to your Third party chat, social media, how cool is that. Ditto never needs charging, just leave it with your jewelry or wallet. That way, you’ll remember to put it on in the morning. Ditto will remind you when it needs a new battery. wear Ditto close to your body and don’t worry about constantly checking your phone. Free yourself from smartphone anxiety and Don’t Miss Out – on important calls, texts or messages. You will very happy with Ditto and it is very easy to set up, just put the battery in the device and download the app from you phone and your all set, enjoy this one because it is a wonderful gadget to have.
This is so cute! So tiny and yet so efficient. I better get one for myself, especially that I am always out.