I bet you have never seen anything as cool as the Pulse LED Speaker. These babies are not just light bulbs but are speakers too!! What? Yes, you heard that right and you have a chance to win a pair!!
If you haven’t done so already, read the Pulse LED Speaker review, then enter for your chance to win this amazing product below. Giveaway is open to US readers and ends June 6th. Good luck!!
Very interesting. Never heard of this before.
Barbara Riffe recently posted..Adidas Pure Boost is here!
I haven’t seen anything like it and I want them!!!
I have never seen anything like these speakers before. I would love to see and hear them in person
No I haven’t started shopping for Father’s day yet.
never seen anything like these speakers….. though wonder about the sound quality
have’t even thought about shopping for F day
i have never seen anything like this before as its something new to me
i haven’t started fathers day shopping
I have never seen or heard of this before.
I have my father done for father’s day but not my husbands.
No I have not but I would like to see them in my home, lol
Crystal Rogers Walker recently posted..101 Kids Activities Book Giveaway
I have never seen anything like this. Too cool!
I did get my hubby WWE tickets for father’s day.
Never seen this before and I am not sure what my father’s day is going to be like becasue my husband’s sister is giving birth.
No, I have not seen anything like these, but I like them.
No, I haven’t seen something like this before.
No, I haven’t started shopping yet.
I have not see this before…looks pretty cool.
nope haven’t seen anything like it before
Never seen anything like it but think it is pretty cool.
Ihave started looking around for ideas. Will get something pretty soon.
I have never seen anything like these but my husband would love them.
He is a huge music buff.
Yes, I have purchased fishing gear for my Dad and a guitar tuning pedal for my husband. Both will be thrilled.
I haven’t seen anything like it, and my kids would be enthralled!
Sonya recently posted..Don’t Buy It, Rent It Announcement
i have not seen anything like this
i havent seen anything like it..love that its unique!
i am all done with my fathers day shopping.
No, I have not. It looks cool.
No, I haven’t!
Haven’t started shopping but I know what I am buying.
I have never seen anything like this before but I love it!
I have started Father’s Day shopping but I still have a few more things to get.
No, I have never seen anything like this yet!
I can say I have never seen anything like it before.