We were sent a tree wall decal free of charge for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
One of the things my daughter asked for in her new room was a wall decal. She really couldn’t decide on a color for the room so she figured if she kept the walls white and add a nice wall decal then it would be perfect. Katazoom has a wide selection of wall decals so you are sure to find something that you love. We were sent this Swirly Tree with Birds wall decal to review that looks beautiful on my girl’s wall. It was a lot of work and took two of us to put it up but the outcome was well worth it. My daughter hasn’t seen it yet but when she gets home I know she is going to love it. She picked out all of the colors herself so I know she will be happy to see the finished project.
This is a larger decal and was bigger than I expected it to be. The wall I had originally planned to put it on was too small so I had to rethink where I was going to put it. We decided to put it on the wall by her bed but it was going to be on a slant. I really liked how it turned out because it sort of looks 3 dimensional. The tree came in seven pieces so each one had to be placed on separately until the branches were all complete. We used blue painters tape to place each piece where we wanted with a long strip in the middle. We started peeling the back of the decal off one half at a time. Then we smoothed it onto the wall with our hands and used a credit card to help it stick on the wall completely. There is a front clear tape that you have to peel off once you have it stuck on the wall. Make sure that the decal is not peeling off the wall as you peel. If it is, just repeat with the credit card until it is completely stuck to your wall. We repeat this process until the entire tree was done and everything was aligned. This was the most time consuming part but I found it easier to align the pieces perfectly by cutting excess paper from around the edges.
Once the branches were on the wall, I had to take a break before adding the leaves, flowers, and birds. I am very proud of our work and my little girl is going to scream when she sees how beautiful her room looks with her new wall decal from Katazoom. If you are looking to transform your space and haven’t considered a wall decal, I recommend taking a look at Katazoom. They have wall decals for just about every space including bedroom headboards. They are cute too.
Oh my, I love ,love this. I want to do this to my daughters room. She would love this …this is so cute! Great job :0)
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Thanks LisaLisa!