Our family took a fun trip to Ocean City, NJ this weekend. It was long overdue and we have been screaming for a fun day out together. It was great to get out and breath in some of the ocean air before the weather breaks and the beaches start getting overcrowded. We picked a great day to go because the weather wasn’t too warm and there was a nice breeze going on. I made sure everyone was dressed comfortably before leaving out the house for the day. I love having plenty of options when it comes to clothing for the family when traveling so being able to save 25% Off your first order at Bluefly is ideal for our family of five.
Once we arrived at the beach, the kids got to put their feet in the sand and the water wasn’t too cold either. We even got to ride a couple of rides after walking the boardwalk. My seven year old loved being high up in the air swinging. I can tell she won’t have any problems with roller coasters when she gets older. Such a daredevil! On the other hand, my six year old wasn’t too fond of her ride. She immediately wanted to get off. In the end, both girls had so much fun so that matters most to me. We made sure we didn’t leave without purchasing some boardwalk fries and funnel cake!
By the time we got home the girls were tired out and ready for bed and so was I. I’m so glad we had a chance to enjoy a good time together this weekend. It’s something we will forever remember. I can’t wait to have many more trips and fun times this summer. I have a feeling this summer is going to be full of adventures for our family.
Hi Bertha,
My name is Jane and I’m with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Ocean City to share on our site and I came across your post…If you’re open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you soon!