A $100 Target Gift Card can be yours!
Thanks to Bea’s Gift Baskets and Bea’s Too for sponsoring this great giveaway!
Host Mommy’s Memorandum and Clipping Money have teamed up with a few awesome bloggers to bring you this great 24-HOUR
$100 Target Gift Card FLASH Giveaway
RULES: Contest is open WORLDWIDE. $100 Value. No purchase necessary. The winner will be selected by random.org and notified by email, and will have 24 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected. Giveaway ends Wednesday, August 22, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST. You Must be 18+ to enter this contest. Contest is no way associated with Facebook.
Enter for your chance to win using the form below: Only Mandatory entry is to leave a blog post comment answering “Why you want to win a Target Gift Card” All other entries are OPTIONAL and may give you better chance All entries will be verified.
I would like to buy clothes
I want to win a Kohls gift card so I can get my kids school clothes
So i can buy my daughter some winter clothes. 🙂
I would like to win the targe gift card to update my wardrobe
My daughter’s shirts were all turning color in the wash – or so we thought! I thought it was odd that it was always around the neck and at the bottom of the shirt. But just yesterday she figured out that maybe her acne face wash stuff was part of the problem, since she wiped her face on her shirt, rather than a towel, when she was done. Like I would EVER have thought of that!! So she needs A LOT of new clothes! And that means a day-long Kohls shopping trip 🙂
I wanna win the kohls gift card because my son needs new school clothes and $100 goes a long way there with all their sales!
I have three kiddos, $100 would get a nice chunk of back to school clothes!!
Because my husband is laid off and my 2 kids started school with no new school clothes without even saying a word and I would like to buy them a few things just to surprise them 🙂
it would help me get some presents for my grand daughters birthday
My 2 year olds IPOD was recently stolen so i would use this to help replace it
Target would be great, that’s where we buy our diapers and I LOVE there clothing & shoe selections!
LOVE LOVE LOVE Target, it’s my number one choice to shop. I buy toys and clothes, and of course school supplies!!! Just went today actually!!!
Would love to get a winter coat, gets kinda cold in MI with just a hoodie.. thanks for the chance. Either place would be great!
Kohl’s has the best sales!!! and with school starting need all the help!! Target has the best school supply selection and low prices so!!
I really need the help to get my kids some items for school because I’m disabled and have a very limited income. We could also use a few necessities around the house.
i have 3 kids who could use some new stuff! as well as momma and daddy!
to give to my daughter for her birthday. tomorrow is her birthday and it sucks not beable to give her some thing good on her 18 birthday.. so it would be cool to give this to her.
These GCs would be very helpful to me since both my wife and I aren’t working currently and the holidays are coming soon!
Why do you want to win a Target/Kohl’s gift card? Either one would be a blessing. I would love to get my son some new cloths … he has survived chemo and has started college!! I am so proud of him.
I would buy groceries!
Erika Gilliam recently posted..Lower Your Power Bill by 70%
Target! And because It will really help me get Christmas for the husband!
Target oh my i could really use this =)
Buy something for me!
I would use it to buy my baby something from target!
Crystal Evans recently posted..Beauty Essentials Deluxe Brush set Giveaway
I would love a target card
I want to buy clothing for my 3 kids.
Money is tight. I’d love to have a Target card to use for things we need.
Thanks,! I would buy something for me, just this one time mom would get something!
LisaLisa recently posted..Waterpik waterflosser, flossing made a lot easier at home!
I would love to go do some back to school shopping!
My three teenage kids would love new clothes and school supplies.
i love both, and either would be great for christmas shopping
I’d love to use the Target card to get me something cute or some new shoes. Or probably more likely some groceries
Ive been going through a hard time lately so I was unable to get my daughter all the things she needed for school. This GC would be so helpful
I would love to win a Target gift card because it can help me afford monthly groceries. I would like to start eating healthier. Fruits and veggies usually cost more than junk food. If I won a Target gift card I would put it towards healthier options such as fresh fruit – watermelon, apple slices, bananas, and oranges. I would get water, yogurt, and nutritious snacks.
I need to feather a new nest — needing to move from the west coast to the east due to medical reasons.
I could surely use this for Christmas and food.
im moving and need new furniture and decorations for my room.
I want to win a Target gift card to do some back to school shopping!
I would love to get a $100 to spend. 🙂
I’d like to win so I can buy school shoes and lunch boxes for my kids
I would choose Target so my daughter and I could go shopping together. Target is our absolute Favorite Store!!
I’d love to win b/c the kids need clothes! That’s what I’d use the gc on 🙂 Thanks for the chance 🙂
to buy school supplies
I love Target and go there at least once a week
I’d like to win a Target or Kohl’s gift card to buy some clothes for my son.
I would like to win so that I can get a start on winter clothes for my girls. thank you!
I’d like to win so that I can update my work wardrobe, everything I wear is at least five years old.
I want to win so I can buy new clothes for my grandsons!
I <3 Kohl's!!!! Favorite store!!
Rhonda K recently posted..The Mommy Island: Turbospoke -Bicycle Exhaust System~ Giveaway! This is awesome!!!!
I’d love to buy new shoes from kohls, which is why I want to win 🙂
Emily recently posted..Healthy Foods from A to Z Review
id like to use it to take my kids shoe shopping
never been to khols an have not shopped at target for years would be insentive to start shopping there
i need new clothes
I would so try the Kohl’s card….ive never been there and this would definatetly give me a reason to go!
Times are TOUGH for me these days and I could use the Target one to buy food & some new clothes for my job search!
I’m ready for some big time shopping….Make my day, please.
My children need clothes for school!
I could really use some new clothes.
I need to get a wedding gift for my friend’s daughter.
Both will work well for me 🙂
maybe new shoes or OTC medicines like prevacid and Bayer
I’d like to win because all 4 of my kids had their birthdays this month. In addition ,the 2 oldest kids will return to school next week.
Thanks for the chance.
I want to win so that I can buy my daughter some more clothes
I would like to win because I love target fashion and they have a great beauty section.
I want to win because I need to purchase luggage!
I would love to buy some clothes at Kohls.
Absolutely love Target..i would buy my 3 month old son some more clothes, he growing Too Quick !
I want to win because I need some household items such as bath towel sets and sheet sets.
I need to buy B2S stuff.
I love those stores!
I would love either gift card because I cold get back to school clothes at both stores
I would use it to buy the rest of the back to school stuff I have not bought yet.
to help out with Christmas shopping
I want target to buy food
Christmas is coming! It would definitely help!
Abby Murphy recently posted..Glass Handbag Blogger Opp
Kohl’s would be great!
Jackie Griebel recently posted..$250. Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Ends 9/3
I’d like to buy clothes for my son
i want the kohls card for my daughter to use for school
I’d love to win because my son started kindergarten last week & could still really some more school clothes & a few supplies!
I want to win a Target Gift Card because there are so many great deals on back to school items! And Target has a great selection of products!
I would like to win so i can use it for christmas
i want to win to stock up on groceries
I would like to win this for my daughter to buy my grandson some much needed items. Thank you for this opportunity!
I would like to buy clothes!!! =)
I could use a few new cute things to wear! Time to let go of my 80’s clothes maybe?
I want to win the Target or Kohls card because the next time I go to Target or Kohls and try to buy $100 worth of stuff, I want it not to cost me anything. Makes sense to me!
I need clothes, I have worn mine ragged
I’d love a Kohls GC. I love the great buys that Kohls has and I’d love to buy my kids some new clothes for winter, especially jackets. Thanks so much.
I’ve never shopped Kohls but I welcome a chance to and I love Target already.
I’d like to buy clothes for my son
I would love to win a target giftcard to buy my friend a wedding gift. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway!
Target is one of my favorite stores and I would like to buy some stuff for my 2 month old!
I’d like the Kohl’s GC. I love their clothing and they always have such great sales. Thanks.
So I put it towards black friday sales
I’d choose Target. I love Kohl’s but have recently moved to a town that doesn’t seem to have one closeby
I would use the Target card to buy groceries
I need bedding for my new king size mattress.
I would so buy groceries….Thanks for the giveaway!
I would buy furnishings for the house I plan to buy
to help with getting school clothes
target gc.
I would use it to buy some new clothes
I live on an island that only has a Target, would sure help with Xmas shopping
I would pick Target Thank you for the great giveaway!
To get my son a coat and rain boots!!
Because I love target & kohls!!
I would finally buy things that fit me. Over the last year, I have dropped over 40 pounds, but
I can’t justify spending money on me since I can just wear a belt and my daughter is growing! She just got a bunch of new clothes, so I’d actually be able to use it for me!
Kohl’s. I’ve been buying a few items on-line. Loving them 🙂
I’m moving and need so many things for my new house.
For my boys and myself..we could really do a ton with 100.00 gc.
Either would be a huge blessing. We are a family of 4 on one income. It would be nice to go shopping and not worry how we were going to get what we needed or wanted!!
I would love to get some new bedding for my sons room
target and I would buuy my granddaughter some jeans for college, GOD BLESS AND KEEP YA’LL SAFE IN HIS LOVING ARMS.
I just had my 4th baby and 1st SON so shopping is fun and i need more funds lol
to buy house stuff
To do my school clothes shopping.
Thanks for the chance.
I’d get school clothes for my granddaughter 🙂
I would buy groceries.
I could really hook my two boys up with a target card
I would like to win to help buy my Boy’s some new clothes.
i want to win a Kohl’s giftcard because that is my favorite place to shop
I want to win because I am flat broke and winning would enable me to pay some bills by using the GC for household needs.
angie lilly recently posted..Tagetes patula by FotoMacro
target 🙂
Winter clothes!
I love both places, but would pick target! 🙂
I would like to win so I can purchase some winter items.
I’d love to win so that I could buy some new clothes
I would used it for christmas gifts for my babies
to get school clothes for the kid
I desperately need clothes that fit!
For a shopping spree!
Ruby Ragar recently posted..Free Silver Plated Heart Pendant or Silver Plated Hoop Earrings! offer is back!
need a new wardrobe!
So i can buy my grandkids somethings for christmas. Either gift card would be greatfull!! Thx for this givaway!
I would use a Target gift card to help get a fantastic wedding gift for my cousin. It’s always nice to help a young couple just starting out 🙂
I need maternity clothes!!
so I can get some school clothes for my daughter at Kohls
I need new clothes for work
Happi Shopr recently posted..Chisum Crew and the 2012 Undy 5000
I would love to win the target gift card thanks for the chance
I’d choose Target.
I would like to buy groceries and maybe some new shoes!
I would use it for groceries.
I need this to get school cloth for my children.
A giftcard would be a great thing to have to splurge on some treats!
A target card would help me buy the rest of the baby gear I need to get ready for my soon-to-be-born baby
I’d like to use the Target card for B-day gifts for my boys.
I would like to win because I love both of these stores!!
The target gift card would be great for food/necessities :]
I’d pick Target.
Ashley H recently posted..Get Cute Girl’s Outfits with FabKids
I shop at both of the stores frequently for clothes so it would really come in handy.
I could use some new jeans 🙂
Why do you want to win a Target/Kohl’s gift card?
im hungry
simple…because I’m broke. Sigh
I am on fixed income – I need the Target card so I can buy some food.
Carmen Barton recently posted..Nature Box
want to win and but clothes
this would come in handy
gifts for peole i love and as few clothes for me.
I would love to take my fiance clothes shopping at Kohls.
would sure help with school clothes for my daughter
Kohls is my wife’s favorite store so whe would have a great time spending this gift card.
I would love to get some new clothes for my girls.
Sherry Conrad recently posted..Carmex Review and Giveaway
kohls to buy clothes
Hard choice but I do LOVE Target!
I would love to win the Target card so I can use it for Christmas presents.
I would love the Target card to buy clothes for my 3 kids. =)
I would buy some clothes for myself and some for my mom as she as been my lifesaver for several years now.
I am going to need new clothes soon after my weight loss.
I want to win because I want to start Christmas shopping early…I know it is just August, but every year I am surprised when November comes around…not this year! 🙂
Because Target has the best high quality basics at wonderful prices.
ky2here at msn dot com
Because my kids need some school clothes, my 5 year old only has one pair of wearable shorts!
We just got a new house this would be awesome to go towards decorating it!!
I would like to buy something for the new home when I move. 🙂
Love Target!!! Need to get some back to school items- this way I can buy more!!!!
School clothes for my son.
Ineed a new deep fryer
i would buy school clothes for my lil guy 🙂
I would like the Target gift card:)
I would love to get new clothes for my kids!
I enjoy shopping at Target. The store is just the right size and everthing is easy to find and its a fun store.
I need available funds to do some shopping.
I love Target because I can get groceries there too.
For Christmas shoping
I would like to win the Khols GC. I love to shop and I’m in need of some new fall/winter clothes
I love shopping at Target when they have their clearance sales. Thanks for the chance to win this gift certificate!
my daughter needs clothes and shoes
I could use this for groceries.
Melanie Montgomery recently posted..Cake Fail.
I’d love to get some new clothes
I’m always at Target so I’d love this gift card.
I want to win to save up for Christmas gifts
I would like to buy stuff for my house
because i need a new lawn mower
I want to win because either one would be useful for back to school shopping for the kids.
I love to buy toys for my kids at target
I would save it for Black Friday and really score some deals!
Love, Love gift cards