Enter for the chance to be one of the five winners to receive a Naturecide Spray product of your choice
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Disclosure: I received products from Naturecide for review purposes. You can read the review here. All opinions are my own.
way to go
Don’t like jun bugs, wasps, hornets or bees, and especially hope to never see a cock roach in the house. Thank you for chance to win this, would love to try it, sounds great, really appreciate it!!!!
I would love to win for my 2 Shelties. Thank you
I despise bugs. The ones that really “bug” me are flies, spiders, earwigs, bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow-jackets. But I have to say, finding a spider in my house is one of my worst fears.
I don’t like spiders and fleas and mosquitos. UGH!
can’t stand fleas, roaches, and spiders in my house.
Ants and Spiders are the only slight problems right now, but with summertime brings those nasty gnats! UGH!
Fleas are the worst things to get in a house. I really dislike any bugs inside – roaches, spiders and ants are also not good.
Fleas, my dog is allergic.
I am terrified of spiders! And one thing I am sure of.. spiders (inside & out) & ants (outside) have been a huge problem since moving to our new home 2 & 1/2 years ago. 🙁 thanks for the chance.
I really hate Bees and wasps cuz I am alrgic of them but I also dislike fleas!!!
so need this…….ants ewwwwwwwwwwwwww i hate them
Ticks! I really hate ticks.
Flies drive me nuts!
There has been some kind of what appears to be a small moth in my house for over a month and it’s driving me bonkers!!! He’s very good at playing hide and seek! I’m gonna get that sucker one of these days1 LOL!
spiders and ants……also when i clicked on the second facebook like page in the rafflecopter my finger hit an extra button is should have read Amy Tolley instead it reads Amy Toll;ey thanks….for this great giveaway
ants , palmeto bugs , spiders and fleas !
TICKS. They are everywhere! We also have carpenter ants and those things freak me out.
I hate the ants crawling around my house.
I dislike ants and fleas!
Big spiders and big roaches.
Looks like this would be perfect for my home!
fleas, ticks, ants and roaches are all gross!
I hate spiders around my house.
This year the ticks are horrible
Roaches. flooding Rain drives all kinds inside.
Black Widow Spiders. I am noticing a lot in my house and yard.
I Don’t Like Ant’s,Bee’s & Spider’s
I cannot stand ANTS.. They drive me nuts..
II have ants
Japanese Beetles that have eaten most of my garden
I hate roaches and mosquitoes!
it would be nice to win..
Damn Fleas!!
Ants roaches and fleas
Flea and Spiders
All BUGS!!! I really, really don’t like spiders. We also have flying cock roaches in our town. It is horrible. I mean you have to check yourself and the dog before we come into the house so they don’t land on you and then you bring them into the house.
Spiders, Ants, and Flies….ugh!!!
I don’t like no kind of bugs .The house is not big enough for us both and I’m not leaving!!
I hate them all, buy ants are what we are plagued with
Ants have taken over this summer!!
Carmen Barton recently posted..Designer Sunglasses Giveaway
any bug
ticks and fleas!
Spiders…hate them!
Fleas, they are awful!!!
Its a bad year for fleas could really use something non toxic to help
Gnats are the worst. They dive onto your face and really horrible little things. Yuck!
I have 1 dog and 3 cats and this dry weather is making fighting ”fleas” a FULL TIME JOB!! I’d love to win this & use something all natural on my pets to help them out!! 🙂
Roaches and ants. My neighbor moved and within a week we had bugs and it was disgusting! Would love to try this product!
I hate all bugs, gross…
oh the fleas !
spiders! and those teeny tiny annoying little fruit flies/gnats
Spiders! We have tons of brown recluse 🙁
Melissa B. recently posted..Happy Dance!
tiny ants and huge spiders. thanks for the chance
Ants,Crickets and ticks
pincer bugs and ants
I hate Ants, Spiders, and MOSQUITOS!!!
I hate them all, but if I hate to chose 1 we get wood roaches in the spring cuz of all the rain, but I call the exterminator and they spray for all. Ticks outside but come in on the dog if I miss picking it off of him he find it and picks it of and kills it cuz he is like mama he does not like any bug either 🙂
fleas, and ants. ;( Sometimes I see them in my sleep if I just see ONE.
Angel Poling recently posted..Win Skull Nail Shields, Easy Entries, In Celebration Of My Facebook Fans
I dislike fleas, spiders and swindlefish.
I enjoyed your review. I am looking for a product that is safe for my dog and neice to be around.
Flys and ants!!!
i really need and want this!
ANTS they wont stay away
Spiders and fleas!
I dislike all bugs but absolutely HATE spiders, yuck!
i hate ear wigs there horid we are forever having thm in ours as we live near the woods yuki!!
I hate fleas and chiggers! The itching is awful for everyone, people and pets included. They’re also hard to get rid of once you get them.
I am allergic to flea bites and bee stings I have scars from flea bites
can’t stand fleas, roaches
I recently moved to Texas and the bugs down here scare me! I don’t like spiders, silverfish, june bugs, beetles, and some weird ear wig like bug I just threw off my bed the other day. Yuck!
Roaches, spiders, and fleas definitely hate them in my home
I hate fleas and spiders.. yuck!
ants and spiders
Water bugs!!!!!
Stupid drain flies! There so annoying!
ALL OF THEM, but especially fleas. They drive my poor doggies crazy.
Ants, Flies, Roaches and SPIDERS!! I hate seeing any of them around my house!!
I absolutely hate spiders! No matter how big or small. Fleas are very annoying!
hate, hate, hate spiders!