Okay, so I know I have gotten you all exited about Diamond Candles but there is a new sheriff in town and their name is Hidden Treasures! Unlike Diamond Candles each of these candles holds a necklace inside instead of a ring. I am not downplaying dc whatsoever. I still love them but I love that this one has switched it up a bit and offers a necklace instead of a ring. If that is not enough for you think about this one. Every 500 candles sold will have a code for an iPad 3! Now that is enough for me to want to buy 500 candles just to win one. Okay, that’s a little extreme but you get my point.
I was so exited to be chosen to review these candles and see what hidden treasure lied inside of mine. I received two candles, summer breeze and southern sunshine. Both smell really good so I had a hard time deciding which one I wanted to keep and which one to give away. I finally decided to keep southern sunshine so that means somebody will win the summer breeze which could potentially hold a code for an iPad. I am so excited but we will get to that later.
About an hour and a half into my candle burning I got a little impatient and started to dig out my necklace. I couldn’t help, I love jewelry so I wanted to see what I was getting and exactly what it looked like. Here is where I took a picture after taking my treasure out of the candle, which is wrapped nicely in foil.
Underneath the foil is the necklace inside of a tiny plastic bag so it is really protected from getting any wax on it. I really love the necklace that came inside of my hidden treasure candle. It’s beautiful and sparkles and is even the color of my birthstone. How cool is that!
The picture really doesn’t do it any real justice. It is more beautiful in person and I love it. I would recommend anyone to give these candles a try especially if you are into candles and trying something new. These make a great gift for Mother’s Day, Christmas, etc. and are worth every penny. For the same price of a Diamond candle you get a necklace and the possibility of being one of the lucky 1 out of 500 that win an iPad. If you do please come back and let me know, I would love to hear.
Be sure to check out Hidden Treasure Candles to see what other awesome scents they have to offer then come back tonight at 9pm EST for your chance to be one of the lucky 10, yes 10 people to win one!
I would love to win one of these candles
wish i had that candle i love burning candles
Oh My Goodness! I want one of those candles!!!!
I would love to brag about one of these!
I really want to try this out! I love the idea and it is different. Thank you for sharing this!
Sweet! I love candles…and jewelry!
So pretty! I’d love to win one.
Sadie recently posted..Saturday Six (meme)
awesome candles
Would make my day to win one of these candles!
Would love to win one of these…
Hope to win one ,sounds fun
Been tring to win one hope to win