Bbproductreviews has teamed up with I love my kids to bring you this amazing Flash Giveaway! One of you lucky readers will have a chance to win a $25 Gift Certificate to Bath & Body Works!
Our giveaway only has a FEW entries to fill out and you will know if you WIN in just 1 day! HOW FUN! Good luck everyone!
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own. Please go to this link to see full disclosure.
Its hard to choose but I really like the wallflowers! i just bought a Cinnamon Sticks!
i love the antibacerial handsoaps!
i love there antibacterial hand cleansers
As a teacher, I loooooovvve disinfecting soap and sprays. So handy, they work, and smell so good. Better to have my room smell like vanilla than rubbing alcohol!
Anything that is wild honeysuckle!!!
Their brown sugar and fig products…
Love 2 mix the shower cream and the shower gelee. Also love the body cream! Anti-bacterial hand soaps are a must have…esp kitchen lemon! Fave scents are Japenese Cherry Blossom, 4ever Sunshine, Brown Sugar and Fig, and Twilight Woods 2 name a few. Love the wallflowers 2!!
Honestly anything Warm Vanilla Sugar. The body spritz/spray is probably my favorite, use it daily.
With three little ones we go through the hand soap like crazy! I also really enjoy the bubble bath and the wallflowers. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite product from Bath & Body Works are lotion and body washes 🙂 Thank you for the chance 🙂
I love their mini candles!
I really like the hand lotion!
My fab BBW product is the antibacs!!! I LOVE BBW!!!
I love their shower gels!!
I love B&BWs hand sanitizer!
Thank You for the giveaway!
I like the bodywashes and lotions.
I love the candles!
I love the signature collection shower gels, lotions, and sprays!
My favorite products re their Cucumber & Melon lotion. It smells good and heals dry skin very fast.
I love their wallflowers.
Honestly, although I love their scents, I really love their candles, especially lilac. 😀
Love their body washes and shower gels, and everything else! Lol!
Body spray
I love anything that is warm vanilla sugar
I love their scented hand sanitizers!
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I LOVE the shower gels and lotions! They are affordable enough I can change scents with my moods
I have to say it’s their candles and lotions 🙂
Wallflowers & refills!
I love warm vanilla sugar. I use the body wash, lotion, body spray and antibacterial hand lotion. It’s my signature scent!