So, on mail call last week, I told you all how the little ones had an open call to try out for a pageant. I wanted to share with you how it all went. This was our first year doing anything like this so this was all new to me. When we arrived we were given a short application and a raffle ticket. We were seated as the lady explained to us everything that would happen during this pageant.
I love their no makeup policy for girls under 12. They are nothing like the shows you see on tv, they believe in letting kids be kids! The girls were separated into two different age groups from 4-18 before being taken to be interviewed and have their photo shoot. While they were doing that we were given materials along with pricing. The great thing is that it will not have to come out of the parents pockets. If accepted we will be sent all the information needed to get sponsored by local businesses. They in turn get free advertisement and it is 100% tax deductible!
At the end of the seminar they gave away a $500 modeling scholarship in a raffle. This is just a small taste of all the prizes that are awarded in the pageant. I am so excited to hear whether or not they have been accepted. This will not only be something new and different for them, but give them a chance to explore their true talent. I will hear the results no later than this Friday. Either way we will be going back to get the digital copy of their photos that were taken (free of charge) and will try again next year. The girls loved it.
Here are just a couple photos I took while they were getting photographed.
Ooooh I hope they accept y’all! Looks like it was tons of fun,
Thank you so much. I hope so too. I think the girls had loads of fun.