Air Pogo Jumper Fun!

Disclaimer: I was sent product free for review purposes.

I was sent a Air Pogo Jumper to review. It’s pretty cool too.

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Air Pogo Jumper is jumping without a stick. It comes with a pump, ball and platform for the ball. You have to pump the ball up while its inside the platform. It was a little complicated but we got it after trying a couple times. You jump as high as you want but also depends on how high you pump the ball and of course with practice.  It’s pretty cool to be able to jump, It’s fun, you just grip onto the ball while standing on the air pogo in order to jump. It takes a lot of practice to learn to use this. My 13 yr old though can get on and just know and jump without guidance or learning lol. You do need a lot of room to play with this. This is great because kids still get the exercise while jumping up and down and it builds strength, coordination and of course balance. Recommended ages are 6 and up and weight limit is approximately 150 pounds. Can be used indoors or outdoor. It’s really nice if you have the space inside during winter times. My kids love it. They use it daily.

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