Basic Talk ~ Phone Service That Doesn’t Break the Bank!

BasicTalk | Home Phone Service

Disclosure: BasicTalk provided product for this review and giveaway as part of the BasicTalk blog ambassador program.  My review is an honest opinion based on my own experience and has not been reviewed or edited by BasicTalk.


Basic Talk is a great alternative to having a land line with your phone or cable company. It’s a lot less expensive and the calls are just as clear. Your Basic Talk set up kit will come with everything you need to start talking in minutes.

It had been a while since we had a land line in our home and we really weren’t planning on hooking one up at the new house. We use our cell phones when making phone calls so we really didn’t see any use for a land line. We also had a bad experience with phone static even when the phone company supposedly came out to fix it twice. We were paying over $30 a month for a service we couldn’t even use so we decided to get rid of it. Having a cell phone is great on the go, but when you go over your minutes, it can truly add up unwanted expenses.

Basic Talk phone service is only $9.99 a month and doesn’t require a contract. It’s extremely easy to hook up and only takes a matter of minutes. The box plugs directly into your internet router and there is another outlet for your phone to plug into. Just plug the Basic Talk box up and you are ready to go!


When all lights are green, you should be able to make phone calls. I love having a land line phone with Basic Talk. The calls are clear and I don’t have to worry about a huge bill. At just $9.99 a month, I get unlimited calls within the US and extra money in my pocket. Since I already have the internet, this makes much more sense then paying triple when I don’t have to. I can give my cell phone a rest when I am at home and I don’t have to worry about going over my minutes for the month.


Basic Talk is great for anyone that has an internet connection and is looking to add a land line to their home or business. You can transfer your old number or choose a new number in their database for the area where you live. Don’t spend an arm and a leg on a phone service when you don’t have to! Basic Talk is available for purchase at Walmart,, and Stay up to date on products and services by connecting with Basic Talk on Facebook, twitter, and Youtube.

Stay tuned for a giveaway where you can win a Basic Talk phone system along with a year of service!!!

Disclosure: BasicTalk provided product for this review and giveaway as part of the BasicTalk blog ambassador program.  My review is an honest opinion based on my own experience and has not been reviewed or edited by BasicTalk.


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