Find Your Perfect Fit With Jockey Bra Fit Kit!



I received a free product as part of a promotional program with Jockey and MomSelect. All opinions are my own.

Finally! Something I can use to get an accurate bra fit by easily measuring myself at home. Majority of woman are not wearing their correct bra size and that in return can cause bulging and discomfort. With the Jockey Fit Kit, you have everything you need to help you get the most comfortable fit you have always needed.

I was sent the Jockey Fit Kit to help give me a correct fit for one of the new Jockey Bras. Yay! A new bra! That was what ran through my mind before it arrived. The fit kit included 10 cups inside of a mesh bag that were numbered 1-10. Also included was measuring tape and instructions. Plus a cute new robe that my daughter claimed for her own.



The Jockey Fit Kit is super easy to use and doesn’t require much time at all. Just choose a fit cup that you feel will fit you the best. Be sure that you are bra-less to help give a more accurate size. Keep trying different sizes until you get a perfectly snug fit without having any spilling over (cup is too small) or gaping (the cup is too big). Once you feel you have a perfect fit, use your measuring tape and measure directly under your bra line. That’s it! Super easy and takes less than five minutes. There is even a page in the booklet to write down your results. Use those to order your bra which takes a few minutes and is an easy process too!

The Fit kit cost $19.95 but is well worth it. Plus you get $20 off your purchase of the bra so you are getting that money back! I loved the ease of using the fit kit and purchasing my bra. I can’t wait until it arrives. I know that I will have the most comfortable fit and it will be the correct size. Check out Jockey to purchase your own fit kit and get the best fit. Us ladies, we deserve it!!!

Disclaimer: I received a free product as part of a promotional program with Jockey and MomSelect. All opinions are my own.


  1. Gwen says

    Purchased jockey bras after using the fitting kit. Tried 32 5 and 34 a. Neither one fit comfortably and had gaps. Went to Victoria Secret where I had sales person fit me with a better fitting bra. I will be retiring jockey bras.


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