Managing Prepaid Credit Cards

There are various reasons to avoid using traditional credit cards. For example, interest rates may accumulate quickly on outstanding balances that are owed to credit card companies. Penalty fees have to be paid for overdraft usage that involves negative account balances. Some credit card companies even charge customers for using ATM’s to withdraw cash. A […]

Ever Wondered Who Owns Businesses? This May Help #franchising

Disclosure: The article below is a sponsored post on behalf of Supercuts. As always , all opinions are my own.  Ever wondered who owns businesses these days and how you can start? Here are some of the facts and why it’s not far fetched that you too could become a business owner. Recent surveys show […]

Starting Your Own Franchise is Easier Than You Think

Disclosure: The article below is a sponsored post on behalf of Supercuts. As always , all opinions are my own.  If you have been looking into starting your own franchise but don’t know where to start, Supercuts is here to help. It can be a scary thing starting a new venture like this one so […]

$10,000 Scholarship to Go Back to School!

Post contains affiliate links Have you been wanting to go back to school to further your education? What has stopped you? I know for a lot of people money is a big issue. Scholarship Zone is designed for people just like you. Faced with the rising costs of education and a highly competitive job market, […]

Why should you minimize your tax?

Image courtesy of Filing your taxes always seems to be a touchy subject every year. It can be an easy process but can also prove to be a long drawn out process if you don’t do your research. The more you make, the more you may owe in the long run. Minimizing your tax early […]