One of the biggest things that takes the most time in a business is hosting an event. The time it takes to plan an event, especially if the event is a large one, can take up a lot of your business day. Of course, if you’ve done the planning in advance for an event that large it is going to be much easier to manage. The process is so much easier if you’re not doing it on your own, too. If you have a team of people ready to help you with your specific planning, you’re going to be able to get the event across your customers and your clients, and it will go off without a hitch. The biggest issue you’re going to have is marketing this event.
Marketing is multifaceted. It takes a lot of time and a lot of energy to create your marketing strategy. When you are building a business, marketing is imperative, but you also need to consider it as a separate thing for your event. You’re going to need suppliers, event Wi-Fi rental, people to run it, food, drinks, a venue – you see, it’s busy. You also need a guest list. Event planning can be fun, but it can cause a lot of stress for everyone involved so the better prepared you are, the less stressed and more productive everybody will be. Let’s take a look at some of the top tips to market your business event.
- Traditional marketing tactics. You can promote any event using traditional marketing tactics, no matter what size the event is. If you know what the traditional marketing tactics are that you currently use for your business marketing plan, you can use some of those! Some of the most traditional marketing tactics include things like posters, direct mail marketing campaigns and even business cards.
- Tell them! You can promote events at the checkout of your workplace if you are running a store. You can even work with your employees to ensure that every customer who comes through the door gets informed about the upcoming event. One of the best ways to tell people that there is an event happening, is make sure that you catch them while they are making a purchase. So, if they are making their purchase online the best thing you can do is to make sure that they have a pop-up or call to action in front of them.
- The help of local media. If you are running a business outdoors, especially something like a festival or a big field event, the best thing that you could do is use local media. Put a press release in the newspapers, make sure that that press release is on the online version of the newspaper, too. You can even get on the radio and have an advertisement for your event. One of the best ways to use local media, if you get on the local websites on social media. It’s a great tool for promoting an event, and your reach will be much better than you think. People are always looking for new things to go to, especially local community pages. Make sure that you’re using the right community pages, though. Because the last thing you want to do is have an event promoted for an audience that isn’t yours.
- Social media is possibly the biggest tool that you could use to market your business event. Promoting your event online doesn’t have to cost you much, and you can put your marketing across every social media platform. When you do this, you also reach a much wider, much more diverse audience. Using social media, we should be able to reach out and find as many customers as possible in the local area for you so that you can see whether or not they would be interested in the event.
- Spread the word. Word of mouth is still a very important tool that you can use for your business. Remember, people talk. If you promote your event in one area somebody who will see that will talk about that with other people, and they will talk about it, and they will talk about it. When people sign up to your event provide them with as many opportunities as possible to share that information on social media. Word of mouth encourages people to do the marketing for you, which means that you have one of the cheapest and most effective ways.
- Use influencers. When we talk about social media, we think about how we market things ourselves. The thing is, you don’t have to! You can use industry influencers to help you to market your business event. You can contact prominent people who are experts in your industry, and have a following on the block or a large social media profile. Invite them to your event, and they will talk about it on the platforms, they will document it with photographs and they will discuss it with other people. If you have industry influences involved, you’ll be able to give your event a little clout, while also giving yourself the perfect networking opportunity.
- Boost your content. Marketing your business is so much simpler when you give your content a boost. Create content and blogs that boost your rankings in the search engines and make sure that when people search your business information, your event is the first thing that they see. You could even get the help of guest speakers, especially those who are going to be invited to the event in the first place.
- Get your previous customers involved. You want to make sure that your business is putting out the right information, so invite your previous customers to events and they will help you with talking about it!
Marketing a business event is so much easier when you have the right know-how. You should look at these tips and see whether these can work for you as well as you think it could!
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