As the holidays draw closer, the gift buying frenzy begins. Trying to find the right gifts for the right people at the right time can seem quite impossible. While you always have the option to pay less for your shopping by using coupons for Kohl’s and other popular stores, which can be easily found on such couponing websites as Discountrue, a savvy shopper can save even more with careful planning. Read on to learn more about how to shop this holiday season, without breaking the bank!
Make A Budget Early
By making a budget during the early stages of the holiday season and sticking to it, you are able to avoid the financial stresses that plague so many during the holiday season. If you are spending more than 1.5 percent of your household’s annual budget on holiday gift giving, this is a clear sign that you need to slow down.
Budget Within Your Budget
Budgeting is as easy as going through your entire gift giving list and deciding exactly what you are willing to spend on each individual. Be sure to take all factors under consideration and process any additional expenses before you make any final decisions on what presents to buy. The cost of cards, wrapping paper and postage must also be added to the budget, as well as any costs associated with travel, meals and holiday parties.
Start Early
There is no law or ordinance that has been passed to prohibit you from beginning your Christmas shopping as early as January. If you are shopping during the winter and spring months and see an item that is perfect for a special someone on your list, don’t hesitate to buy it now and stash it for later. Waiting until the absolute last minute to start shopping means dealing with larger crowds and much higher prices. When you are purchasing big ticket items, it pays to give yourself time to price compare.
Online Shopping
Not only can you begin shopping for holiday gifts as early as possible, but you can also use the Internet to comparison shop, as well. As an added bonus, shopping online gives you the opportunity to make all of your holiday purchases from the comfort of your own home. This means no additional spending takes place. No impulse shopping or dining out to add to your financial woes and you are able to save on the cost of fuel!
Pay Your Credit Cards Down
Too many families go into overspend mode during the holiday season, leaving themselves in a financial hole that takes them well into the next year to dig out of. If you are planning to use credit cards to finance your holiday spending, make sure that you have the necessary cash on hand to pay these bills when they come due and try to spend as much of your own money as possible.
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