Keep Pests Away Naturally ~ Eco Defense ORGANIC Pest Repellent


Disclosure: We were sent free product for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

Looking for a natural way to keep unwanted pests away? Eco Defense organic pest repellent may just be your solution. This safe and eco-friendly spray allows you to have your gardens, pets, and children free from dangerous chemicals while keeping unwanted pests out. It’s safe to use both indoors and outdoors with no foul odors or poisonous ingredients.


Product Benefits: 

  • Eliminates unwanted pests naturally – Repels pests that may be in and around your home with it’s all natural organic formula. Sprays out evenly and contains no foul smelling ingredients that are typically used in “Natural” repellent sprays.
  • Safe & Eco-friendly – Keeps pests away without having harsh chemicals, traps, or poisons to clean up. Just spray in all areas of your home where the issue of unwanted rodents persists. Eco Defense uses 100% Natural & Organic Pest Control Ingredients that are safe for you and your family. Can even be sprayed directly on vegetation without harming your plants or your body.
  • You can use it anywhere – Product can be used both indoors and outdoors. You can even dilute product to work twice as long and keep in and around your home free of unwanted pests.
  • Repels all kinds of pests – Specifically formulated to repel all types of pests including; Rats, Rabbits, Deer, Moles, Gophers, Squirrels, Raccoon’s, Bats, Chipmunks, Birds, and many others causing problems to your home and property. Eco Defense is the most Natural and effective Pest & Animal Repellent on the market.

Nature has provided us with an array of beautiful creatures and Eco Defense organic pest repellent provides a great way of keeping animals from unwanted areas without harming them. I am freakishly afraid of mice but also dislike using poisons and traps that kill them. I have pets and children in my home that I want to keep safe at all times so this pest repellent is a better option for us.


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