Johnson’s Baby Products Makes Great Stocking Stuffers


Disclosure: We were sent free products for review purposes. All opinions are my own. 


Looking for stocking stuffer ideas? Johnson’s Baby is here to help! Their line of lotions, disposable wipes, and shampoos are just what every mom needs. The items are slim and small enough to fit right in their stockings and are inexpensive.


These disposable wipes are just the right size to throw in moms or moms to be stockings this holiday season. I am sure they will transfer them straight to their purse or diaper bag or even use them right away! They are great for keeping on the go for easy cleanup of little ones hands and faces. The light scent has the gentle feel I’ve always remembered their products to have.


I keep these right by the door so there is a neutral spot for the girls to have this winter season. They can use for their nose, after meals, and after play.


I love the new baby oil gel. It has a great design that feels great when you hold it. The gel is mess free and doesn’t drip like the original oil but has the same benefits and light amazing smell. This is important to a mom like me because I am throwing so much stuff in my purse and the last thing I would want is a leak. I love the gel in the winter for myself and the girls because this is the time of year that lotion really doesn’t last as long. The gel moisturizes the skin without looking and feeling greasy.

No more tears baby shampoo was first introduced in 1953 and is an excellent product to throw in someones stocking this year. My youngest is 6 and I still use this for her. I have a hard time washing her hair because she dislikes anything running down her face. I feel a lot more at ease with this product because it is gentle.

Last but not least, Johnson’s baby powder is something every mom should have on hand to keep those babies dry and comfortable. Don’t be shy, you can even use it for you. I tend to use this product more during the hot summer months but is also useful during the winter.

To view their line of baby wash, shampoos, oils, etc, visit You can also connect with them on Facebook!

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