Welcome to the Teddy Tank Giveaway!
Giveaway is hosted by Bonkers4coupons
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The winner of this giveaway will receive their product of choice directly from Teddy Tank.
love the elephant
I would pick the PIG so adorable and I would dress up the pig with bow ties
I would choose the penguin.
I like the Penguin 🙂
I like the chocolate bear 🙂
any of them would be cool! I love the idea of this!
i like the penguin!
I would have to say the Monkey. I think he is the cutest 🙂
The frog! Too cute!
love the dog! what a neat idea!
I would choose the frog if it was for me but my son loves monkeys so got to go with that.
I like them all but especially the penguin/
fab giveaway my son would be so pleased 🙂
I don’t know it will be a gift for 1 of my wonderful grand kids Thanks for letting me win!!
Id love the frog, so Id chose the frog as my choice!
i would choose the frog hes kinda cool like the rest.
The dog
the penguien
My son just informed me I would have to pick the monkey. LOL
Honey Gold Bear!
I would choose the Penguin Teddy Tank.
Kids would love to have fish again!!!
love the frog!
I like the giraffe with the pink bows! They are all adorable!
i would let the kids pick,but im loving the monkey and penguin!
The penguin!
Penguin or the WHite Bear 😀 great idea for kids
I would choose the elephant.
I would pick the penguin! My daughter would love it!!!!!
The monkey
Oh gosh that elephant is just adorable!!!!
The Penguin!!
I like the penquin
i would pick the PIG and maybe sew wings on it also lol and dress it with the bow ties
i love the dog
I love the penguin
i love the Penguin 🙂
Pearl White Bear Teddy Tank.. although they are all adorable! what a great concept!
I would choose the Chocolate Teddy.
Deena Martin Bailey recently posted..Real Kid Shades Flash Giveaway
i would need to have the penguin 🙂
It’s all about the frog for me!
penguin teddy tank
I would choose the panda.
I would pick the white or brown bear sooo cute
Carrie Varner recently posted..Walgreens Ad Match Ups 8/5-8/11
I just saw the giraffe i would pick that one haha tooo cute
i would want the frog one i think both my kids would love it so much
My son said the penguin. But they are all adorable. Thanks for the chance to win!
I think the kids would like the penquin 🙂
Frog or dog
I would love the penguin
Alicia recently posted..Upcoming reviews in the next week or so I am waiting on!!
Would love the Lt. Brown Bear for my grandson, he would love having his first pet in a toy.
I would get the frog since she is a frog fanatic.
I like the giraffe
I like the frog
the penguin or the pearl white bears are too cute.
i can’t decide between the penguin and the chocolate bear
I would choose the MONKEY!!! They all are adorable.
I Would Pick The Dog One They Are All So Cute
We would love the Monkey!
i love them ALL! The giraffe is my favorite 🙂
I love all of them but if I have to choose it would be the Elephant
I’d pick the Penguin!
id pick the giraffe. So Cute
For me, it would definitely be the monkey. My grandson is 2 and every time he sees a monkey now he says “ooh ooh aah aah”. I have been thinking about getting him and fish and this would be perfect. They’re so cute!
I would love the elephant, so cute, my little boy would fall in love with it.
Thanks for the giveaway.
They are all adorable and I just love the idea. I think for my daughter we’d pick the dog or panda or elephant…whichever one she wanted or the monkey to match my sons room.
I like the dog teddy tank.
All of them are adorable.. I really like the monkey though!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
I love the chocolate brown bear 🙂
OMG my nephews would love me forever!!!! If i don’t win how can i by one!
I love the frog all are cute though
the frog
I love the elephant! Soo cute!!!
Thank You So Much for the giveaway!
the penguin
I would pick the penguin. Too cute
the Penguin
penguin ..my daughters favorite!
chocolate bear
i also like the monkey
penguins… my fav.
frog teddy tank
Oh, my goodness! Everyone of these are so cute. I love the pig, the giraffe, the dog, the frog, etc. I think I would choose the pig, though.
My daughter likes the giraffe & elephant, so it would be between those two if we were to win 🙂
penguin,frog or dog,hard to choose one
I love the frog, and I love the dog… they are all soooo cute
The elephant
I love the Penguin!!
panda and omg those are so cute
I like the Pig, it is so cute! J wresh
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!
I think I’d choose the giraffe, they are all so cute!
Ive been thinking about getting my two year old a pet. The best one ive come up with just happens to be a Betta fish! This would be so awesome to get her! I think I would get her the Penguin one. So cute!