It’s finally Friday and these great blogs have come together to bring a chance to win a free lunch to their readers!! We know it has been a long week so we just want to do something special for you all. Check each one out for great savings, reviews, giveaways and more!
Savior Cents, Missi Rose’s Coupon Spot, BB Product Reviews, Frugal Washington Mommy, Sisters Saving Cents, Thrifty Mom’s Reviews & More,
What is on the menu for you today? Better yet, wouldn’t you like to go to lunch for free? Well here’s your chance to win a Free Lunch hosted by the blog Miss Jackie’s Views! The lucky winner will get to choose a $20 gift card from Wendy’s, McDonald’s, SubWay, Taco Bell, or Burger King. Entry is super easy in the Rafflecopter form below, this giveaway is open from 11: 00 am until 2:00 pm EST to enter and Good Luck!
Wendy’s for fast food!
I love Subway
subway plz!
Taco Bell 🙂
taco bell
I love Subway 🙂 Thank you!
Subway I Love It Thanks For The Chance
I am starving! I want anything!
I love Wendy’s, thanks for the giveaway.
Taco Bell please!
Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway and all that make this happen. Hope I win , Good Luck to everyone 🙂
I love BurgerKing 🙂
mc donalds or golden corral
Wendy’s. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Subway!! Yum!!
Depends, if I want grease, McD’s! If I feel like being healthy that day, Subway