Ready for another flash giveaway? Here we go. Winner will get what you see pictured.
To qualify to win leave a comment answering this one question.
What is your favorite movie? (must comment on this post)
For an extra entry follow me on twitter here and comment with your twitter handle.
Thatโs it!! Open to US 18 and older. Ends at midnight 7/12. Winner will be chosen using and announced here soon after it is over.
*This giveaway is in no way affiliated or associated with Facebook.
****Giveaway Closed****
Winner is Patti M.
Please email me at to claim your prize. Congrats
Love Actually ~ thanks for the giveaway
4 Brothers
My favorite move is 50 First Dates.
My favorite movie is Grease.
I love everafter.
my favorite movie is anchorman!
twittter follow – @wildnmild4u
Gone with the wind….followed closely by Titanic
followed you on twitter @caseylynn333
Ghost is my all time favorite
My favorite movie is “Sound of Music”
My favorite movie is 10 Things I Hate About You!!! ๐
I love America’s Sweethearts. Mostly because I love Julia Roberts and always have. ๐
My favorite movie is the LOTR trilogy. : )
followed on twitter: @jewlsher
Bridesmaid! Tweeter-@staytrue2me
Following on Twitter @pynkNymphette ~ My favorite movie is A Clockwork Orange. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I love the Secret body sprays. =]
Pynk recently posted..Persephone
My best friend’s wedding!
I’m @forensicmama
Sarah P recently posted..Beach Day
My favorite movie is Transformers.
Followed you on twitter @Mommy34567
four brothers is one of my favorites. grant torino is another!
my twitter id is @djp8871
Favorite movie – the hunger games
So many favorites, but I have to go with “The Client”
Becky L recently posted..Diaper Bag~ Sweepstakes from Ebony Parent
Favorite movie: Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Followed you on Twitter! I’m @coupondipity
the notebook
Clueless – @Aprilt267
Armageddon is my favorite movie ๐
The Wiz!
favorite movie is The Professional its a old movie but โฅ it
love and basketball
My favorite movie is Casablanca ๐
Ashley Tintinger recently posted..Weekly Photo Challenge
I love back to the future!
I follow you @mermont84
Fireproof & Courageous
My Favorite Movie is Sixteen Candles
I actually just watched Water for Elephants and fell in love.
Also follow you on twitter @AstralMagik
Thank you for the chance!
Love and Basketball is my all time favorite movie <3 @iiLuvMySoldiers
My favorite movie is Forest Gump. Thank you so much for the chance..
Danita Vojta
My favorite movie is Grease
Twitter name: mc_7783
My favorite movie is Ever After :)!
My all time favorite movie that I could watch over and over again and never get tired of is Steele Magnolias. For me it’s the best movie of all time
I’m following you on twitter. @AshleyTintinger
My favorite movie is “Four Brothers”, my twitter handle is @jpsizors and I follow …tyvm
Following you on twitter @missmonicany
A Knights Tale
Dirty Dancing
Sweeney Todd.
My favorite movie is While You Were Sleeping.
My favorite movie is “The Ultimate Gift”
My Girl….. all time favorite
I follow you via Twitter = @jmesparza821
Breakfast Club!
It’s A Wonderful Life!
Jackie Griebel recently posted..Top Coupon/Deals Blogs to Follow
I follow you on twitter @jygriebel
Jackie Griebel recently posted..Top Coupon/Deals Blogs to Follow
Twitter: @anndrury
TWILIGHT SAGA!!!!! I’m a dork. It’s sad. I know. LOL.
ThecWizard of Oz
My favorite is One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest!
Follow on Twitter as grneyedgrl78
My favorite movie is The Lucky One. ๐
Wow that’s hard one! I guess my favorite movie is Back To The Future. ๐
I follow you on Twitter. @hargygirl
twitter name immortaltessa
My favorite movie is The Vow, it’s such a sweet movie! My twitter handle that I’m following under is “alawsond” Thank you so much for the chance to win, such a great prize!!
I love Nanny Mcphee ๐ and following you on twitter Alissa79_97
My favorite movie is “Gone With The Wind”, I remember going to see this as alittle grl at the movie theatre, and my dad hated it because its such a long movie & he wanted to leave half way through. My mom loved it just as much as I did and we ended up staying all the way o the end…
My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing
Singin’ in The Rain ๐
Water for Elephants! LOVE love LOVE it!
My favorite movie is Now & Then =] (was a childhood fave!)
Amber Trievel recently posted..OASAP Embellished Halter Neck Swimsuit
first movie that comes to mind is serendipity….such a sweet love story, love never dies
The Thinner
My favorite movie is Armageddon.. Love it thanks
following you as @patvaz1
Gone With the Wind…………………but Christie comes in real close.
I’m @ConnieBolickLee
I follow on twitter @thriftymom613
Amber Trievel recently posted..OASAP Embellished Halter Neck Swimsuit
I love The Wedding Singer its my favorite movie! ๐
My favorite movie of all time… Well I have 2 haha. First on is Beauty and The Beast. I absolutely adore that movie!!! I have it on dvd ๐
and second is Because I Said So. Love that movie!!
Ariella Hines recently posted..My Wonderful Idea! ๐
jack and jill is my fav movie
Debbie Moore Arntson recently posted..“Flash Giveaway” Yay!!
My favorite movie is “Gone With The Wind”, I remember going to see this as alittle grl at the movie theatre, and my dad hated it because its such a long movie & he wanted to leave half way through. My mom loved it just as much as I did and we ended up watching the whole thing.
My favorite movie is Gidget!
the neverending story
A Walk To Remember
I adore Terms of Enderment my mom lived this moveie died at the age of 39 my mom
hunger games
My favorite movie is Rainman.
Favorite Movie: Love Jones
My favorite movie is Ice Age.
Dirty dancing
Twitter: @Conichka6
home for the holidays! Thanks for the giveaway
Gone with the Wind!!!!
i follow twitter @maryclean
my favorite movie is the notebook
My favorite movie is Pulp Fiction!
My favorite movie is Beaches and then close second is Steel Magnolia’s.
I follow you on twitter @craftsandthing
Thanks for the chance
diane recently posted..BathBlocks Review & Giveaway
Moulin rouge is my favorite movie.
new fav is magic mike! PrincessJen1140 twitter isnt working for me first it said im already fallowing you then it says error cant fallow you so idk if i am or not lol. thanks
Favorite movie-Godfather
I follow on twitter
Favorite movie is: Bridesmaids ๐
And following u on twitter 2 . thanks
All-time favorite – PRETTY WOMAN!!
The notebook
My favorite movie is The Rocky Horror Picture Show ๐
Dirty Dancing
following on twitter also
My fav movie has always been The Outsiders
Oh thats hard! I’ll go with the one I’ve watched the most because I have too many favorites!!! Friends with Benefits!!!!
My favorite movie is purple rain.
Dirty Dancing. I could watch it a thousand times and never get tired.
I follow you on twitter as @bbarnes60
Dirty dancing….
sweet home alabama, follow on twitter
My favorite movie is Tuesday’s With Morrie! It’s based on a true story that focuses on a man with ALS(Lou Gehrigs Disease)…My daddy died from ALS so this movie means alot to me!
My favorite movie is the Godfather
The Notebook.. Twitter Id is southernbella25
My twitter is @BukisGrl0810 thanks.
Favorite movie of all time and still gets me every time I watch it…8 SECONDS!!
I really like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
@LoriObermark on twitter
The Notebook….love love love it!
Hard to pick just one, but one of my all time favorites would have to be The Nightmare Before Christmas.
followed @zebbsmom
My favorite movie is Gone with the wind.
My favorite movie is Labyrinth, starring David Bowie. ๐
The Notebook
I am following you. @TrinityMachael
Shawshank Redemption
That’s a hard one! One of my favs is Dogma or Gremlins.
Grease !
my fav movie is…………….Jurassic Park.
Toss up between Independence Day and Hunt for Red October. Love them both muchly!
My favorite movie is Tin Man. It’s the best!
Fast Five
Following you #twitter. My username is JillPenske
Following you @ MzKittywhiskerZ
my favorite movie is the notebook, I so would love to win this!
Sound of Music!
Favorite movie-Sex and The City
Following you on Twitter-@chiclight2002
My favorite movie is The Dark Crystal.
Julia Campbell recently posted..Wild Mountain Mommies wet/dry medium bags review
“Practical Magic” is one of my favorite movies!
Following you on tweeter. CampbellJuliaM
Julia Campbell recently posted..Wild Mountain Mommies wet/dry medium bags review
My favorite movie is Dear John.. Followed by She’s the man. I really love anything with Channing Tatum in it..
Following you on twitter :blkrose86
The Crow <3 @jesintheworld
My favorite movie is My Best Friends Wedding. I love Julia Roberts. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
The Hunger Games!
I follow you on twitter. My twitter handle is lastnerve2000.
The Wizard of Oz!!! I can never get tired of that movie!!!
I think 50 first dates is a great movie… Anything with Adam Sandler actually…
My favorite movie would definitely have to be Magic Mike ๐
Favorite movie is ‘Legend’, with Tim Curry as Darkness, followed closely by BeetleJuice. Either one of them comes on, I am watching it….even tho they are both forever saved on DVR (and I’ve got them on VHS and DVD). Goober? Yes, yes I am ๐
Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway!!
Following on Twitter @GooberDyer
One of my favorite movies has always been “GREASE” ๐
Thanks for the give-away!
My favorite movie is “Knocked Up”… I watched it right after I gave birth to my first daughter and it made me laugh soooooo hard! Made me feel more normal! LOL ๐
Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie.
twitter at @HardinJessica
my fave movie is dirty dancing,my handle is tiai
Wedding Singer
Followin gon twitter @hzeh818
My favorite movie is “Cry Baby” lol
thanks for the give away
The Twilight movies! Team Jacob!
The Dark Knight
follow you on twitter Jammie79
my favorite movie is Anne of Green Gables
i follow you on twitter @lcprize
Some Like It Hot
Fried green tomatoes
All time fav- pretty woman. Getting married soon this would be so wonderful! Thank you <3
Following u on twitter @ohlerstephanie
The Notebook is the best movie ever!
interview with a vampire
BerthaB recently posted..“Flash Giveaway” Yay!!
@JessamineDungo – My favorite of all time is Bruce Almighty. Never fails to make me laugh. ๐
Favorite is tied The Notebook and Crazy Stupid Love…my twitter id is aprilhale52
It is between, “Mary Poppins”, and “The wizard of Oz”. I think I would say “Mary Poppins”! I sang those songs all the way to school as a child.
Pretty Woman!
the sound of music
dirty dancing
Shag the movie is my all time fave
Dirty Dancing is my all time favorite. Along with Grease and E.T. lol 80’s baby for sure….Let me just add Back to the Future!!!
Carrie Varner recently posted..UBC Day 13: Guest Post “Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches”
My favorite movie is the Vow… Thanks
I am a twitter follower
Mozart and the Whale, thanks for the giveaway!
Dirty Dancing!
In the pursuit of Happiness @foreveryoung913
the little mermaid
My fav movie is Selena! gets me everytime …
following U on twitter ๐ @ersanch2001
Pretty woman
All time favorite movie is “Fried Green Tomatoes”. Love it!!
My favorite movie is cars… I think… that could just be because its the only movie i get to watch any more
sound of music