Ugly Snuglies “Porky Panda” Review




Disclaimer: I was sent this for free for a review and my honest opinion




When I first opened the box and seen this Porky Panda Stuffed Animal I feel in Love with him, he is the cutest stuffed animal I have ever had, he is so ugly he’s cute, He is made with very good material and is very big for a stuffed animal. Porky Panda is so soft to the touch and very easy to clean if he plays too much and gets dirty. The best surprise is he has a very nice blanket tucked in the bottom in a zippered part that you can very easily open and pull the blanket out, it is blue and very soft and is perfect for sleepovers or just to cover up with, the blanket is 36 x 48 so it is quiet big.








They have six different animals to choose from there is Teal  Rowdy Rabbit that has a Radio inside him,Tan  Krazy Kitty which has a light in his tail, there is a Pink Pouty Pig that has a blanket inside her too, Brown Bizarre Bear that has 5 secret zipper pockets, a Pink Unusual Unicorn that has an alarm clock inside then you have a brown  Maniac Monkey, he has a backpack inside and then you have the Blue Porky Panda with the blanket inside. All of these have a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee but I promise you when you get one of these cutie pies you will keep them forever and if you want the Kids or Grandkids to have smiles on their faces and will have a Stuffed Animal they will love forever you have to get them one of these animals from Ugly Snuglies. They make great gifts for Birthdays, Holidays or just any occasion, they will be a life long friend. Enjoy them because I am and you cannot go wrong with their price. Wonderful Products


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