Yes, it happens to the best of us. Boredom. Here is a few things I do when I am bored. They are not in any particular order and some of them are not the best things to do but they are what I do. Enjoy!! Eat Sleep Watch television Bother or play with the kids […]
UBC Day 17: Quick update
Hello everyone, I thought I would give you my weekly update of how I am doing with my weight loss efforts and my goals for next week. I think I did great last week with eating and exercise and am very pleased with my results for this week. Last week I said that I […]
UBC Day 14: 5 Goals I Will Accomplish By Christmas
UBC Day 13: Guest Post “Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches”
Today’s post comes from Evin. Thank you for sharing your recipe with bbproductreview readers! Evin is a stay-at-home Mom of 3 little foodies who critique all of her new recipes. She’s a foul-mouthed Betty Crocker and blogs at Food Good Laundry Bad about food, family and failing at housework. Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches This recipe […]
UBC Day 12: What’s In Your Backyard?
UBC Day 11: This Sparked My Interest
Just found something interesting while brousing the net. Have you ever googled your name? Well I have plenty of times and have never found anything more interesting than this. I just discovered there is a pub in Australia with my name. I found that pretty exciting and would love to travel there one day and […]
UBC Day 8: Peace and Quiet, It Was Good While it Lasted
UBC Day 7: Best Thing I Ever Ate-Dessert Edition
Have you ever watched that show “Best thing I ever ate” on Food Network? Well that is one of my favorite shows besides chopped, diners drive-ins and dives, and restaurant impossible. Let’s just say it’s safe to say that the Food Network is my absolute favorite station to tune to other than HDTV but that’s another […]