Living With An Alcoholic: The Ultimate Survival and Self-Care Guide

No one gets married planning on living with an alcoholic spouse. That wonderful, charming person who might like to party but is in control slowly changes. The drinking changes from an occasional thing or something that only happens with friends on weekends to more often. The drinking gets out of hand and the spouse’s behavior […]

Helping a Loved One: How Professionals Stage an Intervention

It’s never easy for someone to admit they have a problem and need help. Often, they’ll try to avoid acknowledging this for as long as possible, leaving loved ones to worry about their safety or health. What loved ones can do, though, is stage an intervention. They can come together and discuss the situation with […]

5 Attic Issues You Shouldn’t Overlook

Pexels. CCO Licensed. Attics don’t get the same attention as other rooms in our home – largely because many of us don’t spend much time in them beyond extracting Xmas decorations or hiding away clutter. However, it’s important to regularly inspect your attic for issues. Just like any other room, attics are prone to structural […]

How to Work in the Fashion Industry

Of the list of cool industries to work in, fashion has to be near the top. And if you’re someone who loves all things clothes, then it’ll absolutely be at the top. While competition for jobs within this industry can be tough, obtaining a position is far from impossible, especially since it’s such a large, […]