Top 5 Sandwich Spots in the US

Just about everyone agrees that a great sandwich is somewhat of a culinary masterpiece. It combines food groups into a stacked delight for the taste buds. So which cities are the best for sandwiches? Here are a few that put their own unique spin on the sandwich to make them the best spots in the […]

Grab a Bag of RW Garcia MixtBag ~ Great For Snacking! #review

Disclosure: We were sent free product for review purposes. All opinions are my own. Summer is here and it’s time for snacking! If you’re looking for a delicious chip to go with those homemade dips you’ve just made, RW Garcia and their MixtBag family of chips is just what the doctor ordered! These chips are perfect for snacking […]

Nonni’s Mango Coconut THINaddictives #review

Disclosure: We were sent free product for review purposes. All opinions are my own. The kids are out of school and are on the hunt for snacks!! Good thing we have Nonni’s mango coconut THINaddictives to help us out this summer! These snacks come packaged individually and are perfectly portioned for hungry kids in between meals. […]

Red Baron Brick Oven Pizza Bzzkit #Review

Disclosure: We were sent free product for review purposes through Bzzagent. All opinions are my own. Did you get in to the Red Baron pizza bzzcampaign? If you didn’t, i’d love to share with you what we got in our Bzzkit. We had a chance to try a free pizza of our choice along with […]

Quick and Easy Paleo Meals

We recently have come across a new type of recipe cookbook, designed, around a healthier life style of cooking.  Centered around quick and easy Paleo meals. If you’re like my wife and myself, we’ve tried everything!!!!  From numerous diet programs ALL in which, have their “OWN” meal plan versions.  ALL who claim to deliver fast, […]