Factory work is some of the most dangerous work in America according to the 2012 statistics from the United States Department of Labor. The amount of people who sustained injuries performing factory work is almost identical to that of police officers and firefighters. Packers, handlers, forklift drivers, heavy machinery operators, cutters and assemblers are susceptible to accidents and mishaps. Some of the most common factory injuries include broken bones from falling and crushing incidents, cuts from machinery, and neck and back injuries. If a factory worker receives an injury that keeps him or her from working for a long time, that person may be eligible for disability benefits. A disability lawyer can help determine this.
Workers’ Compensation vs. Social Security Disability
Some jobs have worker’s compensation insurance, which is a benefit that pays a portion of wages to people who receive work injuries. This benefit will also cover medical expenses. However, a person who will be incapacitated for 12 months or more may want to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). SSDI is a government benefit that covers a person who will be completely disabled for at least one year. A lawyer can help review an injured person’s qualifications and advise the person about the best option.
Proving Disability
Medical documentation must accompany an application for SSDI. The government will want to see that the injured party has a valid injury, and he or she will not recover from the injury for 12 months. The injured person must be unable to perform any work tasks. If the injury is not going to last for 12 months, then the person may be eligible for compensation under another program.
The injured person’s medical provider is extremely important in this situation. He or she is the one who will provide a bulk of the information that the administration will review. The administration will weigh this person’s statements, diagnoses and treatment plans heavily before deciding on the claim.
Possible Rejection for SSDI
In some cases, even with the most accurate medical report, an applicant receives a denial for SSDI. In such a case, the applicant has the right to file an appeal. However, the appeals process is sometimes more complicated than the original process is. At this time, fortifying oneself with a disability lawyer Seattle or an attorney in your local area is a smart move. Having someone who specializes in the field for representation can make a difference between a positive and negative appeal decision.
Schedule a Consultation for More Information
If you have been injured in a factory, and you can no longer work, a disability lawyer can help you with your case. You can schedule a consultation now, and an experienced attorney will review your eligibility and information. If there is a possibility that this person can convince the administration to change its decision, he or she will achieve that for you. Additionally, a disability lawyer can assist you if you are a new applicant. This person will have the tools to prepare you for the entire disability claim process.
such good information, thanks so much for sharing!
You’re right about factory work being dangerous, so it’s no surprise that statistics back up the claim. Scheduling a consultation with a disability lawyer was a smart suggestion.
Many people would be surprised to learn that factory workers suffer an injury level which is similar to that of police and firefighters. Your advice will aid many people.