HapiMomi App ~ Social Networking & More Just for your Family!


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Hapimomi. As always, all opinions are my own. 

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Hapimomi is a cool app that helps families stay connected with their own private little network. But it is more than just that! You can share a diary, pictures, contacts, to do lists, and more with this app without others that are outside of your family seeing. It’s a great way to stay connected especially if you have an iOS device. I have an android phone but almost everyone in my family has an iPad or iPhone so this didn’t hinder me testing it out. Hopefully one day it will come to android because it really is an amazing way to stay connected in every way!

About Hapimomi:

Hapimomi was founded in 2012 by two parents in Silicon Valley to help families stay connected and organized privately. Frustrated by the lack of private sharing and planning apps, these two had an idea to create this all in one app to help coordinate groceries, errands, with a fun calender to plan events for the family.

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The Hapimomi app is easy to use. Just download the free app on your device and start using it! You can add family members and start sharing messages on your wall just like other social networks except your family is the only ones that will see it. I love all the other added features including the to do list. I can jot down what I need to do for the day or even the upcoming week. Then I can check off what is done when I am finished. This eliminated the need for wasting paper when I don’t have to. I always have problems finding a pen when I need it so this truly comes in handy! I can also add any event that is coming up and share it privately with my family. Birthday parties, get togethers and more are all something that can be easily shared and organized using this app.

Check out the Hapimomi app on iTunes and give it a test drive for yourself! Follow Hapimomi on Facebook and Twitter.

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