Do you love making tea and coffee in your Keurig? Have you tried the Snapple brew over ice iced tea k cups? Well if not, here is your chance! I am giving away a 12 count pack of Snapple iced tea k cups in Peach or Lemon flavor! Just enter using the simple rafflecopter form. Giveaway is open to US residents 18 and over. Good luck!!
Disclaimer: This giveaway is sponsored by my blog Bbproductreviews. I will be shipping out the prize to the winner (12 count Snapple k cups).
Juice and coffee! I can’t choose! 🙂
Coffee or tea
Would love the lemon K-cups!!
My favorite beverage is Sweet Tea!
I love tea!
Love your blog! The only thing I use my Keurig for is iced tea! Not a coffee person! These would rock!!
Sweet tea is my favorite!
Misty Battle recently posted..Ouch!
Sweet iced tea- I could drink it all day and night if I wanted to!
I love hot tea.
Cold tea
I like iced tea.
I love iced tea more then coffee but coffee is good to when its iced
I love diet Snapple peach iced tea I drink it every day
I like hot, black coffee. A cold Snapple tea intrigues me.
Kathy Eller recently posted..Good Deal Alerts for April 16th….American Girl Magazine!
Chai Latte
Tea & coffee!
I like iced tea.
Sweet Tea
sweet tea
water is my favorite beverage but I really like peach teat oo
My favorite beverage is unsweetened iced tea.
I love coffee and tea (especially Snapple Peach K-Cups) Thanks!!
I LOVE Snapple, It is my all time FAVORITE thing to drink!
Orange juice with LOTS of pulp.
Manderz recently posted..Something different. Review of Kashi Hummus Crisps.
Mine is ice tea with lemon,
Diet Pepsi and Sweet Iced Tea
Coffee for sure! If I could drink it all day I would.
Coffee and tea
half & half Tea
would love to win for me and/or my mom in law
Coffee (hot ,cold both….depends on the moment)
Tea any kind hot cold
I quite like just regular iced coffees with cream and sugar, but if I had to keep just one beverage it would be Snapple’s Trop-A-Rock-A (may be misspelling that, but whatever cause it is delish!).
Soda — but on my Keurig – I like the new K-Cups Snapple over ice
Love Snapple K-cups
sugar free mocha big train with an extra shot of espresso.
Coffee and sweet tea!!
love tea
I love tea.
Diet Pepsi is my fav
I love coffee and iced tea
Tea and Lemonade
Coffee,then my homemade sweet tea,then hot flavored tea.
coffee or tea
I like coffee or iced tea
I love Tea and Coffee!!!!! Can’t choose!
iced coffee and iced tea!
Diet Pepsi
Diet Coke.
raspberry lemonade
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My favorite drink is good old fashioned southern sweet tea.
Sweet Tea with Lemons is my favorite beverage!
My favorite beverage is Diet Dr. Pepper, but I am trying to cut back on soda. These k cups might just help curb my addiction!
Do Milkshakes count?!
iced tea is my favorite
Ice Tea is my favorite beverage
My favorite beverage is Sweet Ice Tea.
Sweet tea
tea for me
Coffee is my favorite drink 🙂