Cryoow! Doll Review and Giveaway!
Disclaimer: Real Reviews by Savvy K received this doll in exchange for an honest review. Regardless all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. No other compensation was given to Real Reviews by Savvy K or other bloggers participating.
Review and Giveaway Hosted by: Real Reviews by Savvy K
Look how cute this is! Our fellow blogger over at Real Reviews by Savvy K got a chance to review this unique toy. Read further to see how it works!!
Cryoow! is a company based in Bali that creates and brings your child’s drawing to life! It works by your child simply creating a one of a kind drawing, anything from a baby doll to a Monster’s University monster my step daughter drew. As you can see below, the doll came out practically exactly as my step daughter drew it, even down to the outlining and small zig-zag pattern on the sleeves!
I think this is amazing and this would be perfect for any child to have their drawings and creations come to life!!
As a parent, the one thing I don’t like about these Cryoow! dolls is the price. Each doll retails for $149. This is outrageous for a small doll! However, once you factor in the shipping from Bali it does make sence. These dolls aren’t shipped by regular postage, they are shipped by DHL Express. That means, after the 2 weeks it takes to create your doll, you should receive it in about 5 business days or less. If they used regular shipping, it could easily take 3-4 weeks! They also pride themselves in their tailor employees who create the dolls. They want the dolls to be high quality and to use the best materials, not the least expensive.
Overall, it is a great investment that your child will cherish forever and always. Want a chance to win one of your own?
One winner, US or Canada resident, will win a Cryoow! doll! They will be able to have their child create a doll and have it for their very own! (Please make sure you are able to email your drawing to us to send to sponsor!)
Enter using the rafflecopter below! Terms & Conditions apply, see rafflecopter for more info. Good luck!!!
Bbproductreviews is not responsible for shipment of prize.
CReate YOur OWn doll!
CReate YOur OWn doll
CR-eate YO-ur OW-n Cryoow! doll!
CReate YOur OWn doll!
create your own doll
Create your own doll
create your own doll
It stands for: CR-eate YO-ur OW-n
CR-eate YO- ur OW- n Cryoow! doll
Create your own doll!
Create your own doll