A blogger buddy of mine had the pleasure of reviewing all of these items from DelSol their sister brand Cariloha.
She received a Del Sol coloring changing Sol Flyer (Frisbie)
Some cute DelSol Disney Color Changing hair accessories
You can find more information about Del Sol Here!!
Cariloha has an exclusive collection of bed sheet sets that is sure to make you feel cozy. They also have shirts , bamboo skirts and bamboo jewelry plus bamboo polo shirts and even bamboo handbags or the ladies!
Don’t let curiosity hold you back, just visit both Del Sol & Cariloha, I’m positive you
will find something you like!
Thanks to DelSol & Cariloha you have the chance to win everything pictured above!
Just enter using the rafflecopter form below
Good Luck!
All their products are so cool !!! Any of them !
Classic white
Everything is cool! but I like the color changing nail polish! 🙂
blue ones 🙂
I really like this hoodie: COLOR-CHANGING
Hooded Zip Sweatshirt- Butterfly Filigree
I would like the COLOR-CHANGE Nail Polish- Flirt 🙂
I would want the sage colored sheets!!
I would like White sheets
Nail Polish- Super Hero
I could not Like the Last facebook enter. The Mens Shirts I Like at delsol and at cariloha I like the Blue sheets or White. Thank You. Jerri Davis
Del Sol – I want the butterfly hoodie
Cariloha – Bamboo Bed Sheet Set- Tan and pillowcases of course
I would choose Bamboo Bed Sheet Set- Sage 🙂
i like th color changing nail polish
i like the Bamboo Bed Sheet Set- Tan
The nail polish that changes colors is awesome! Or the kids rash guard
I like the blue sheets!
All of the products are cool,I would be happy with any of them! It’s hard to pick.
Bamboo Bed Sheet Set- Tan
Like the white sheets..
The hoodies or the nail polish! Super cute items!!
I’ve always wanted to try bamboo sheets!! They look uber comfy!!
I would love the color changing nail polish. 🙂 My 4 year old daughter would love that too. 🙂
Jessamine Dungo recently posted..Giveaway of All Giveaways
Bamboo bedsheets for a neutral tan color. 🙂
Jessamine Dungo recently posted..Giveaway of All Giveaways
I think like most people the colour change nail varnish is a winner!
Classic white sheets for me x
Color changing nail polish 😀
The white sheets 😀
the color change nail polish would be awesome i have to get some
id have to say hands down the sage colored sheets they r so pretty
The nail polish!!! how cool is that!
Ivory!! Please and thank you 🙂
I love the Color Change Tank – Butterfly Tattoo.
I would like the sheets in Sage.
Hooded Zip Sweatshirt- Butterfly Filigree
Tan sheets
how cool… nail polish that changes colors!
blue sheets!
I think the nail polish would be the coolest!
the blue sheets!
I like the Sage color sheets!
OMG! The NAIL POLISH!! All of them!!! My daughter would go bonkers over them!
Shauna Lynn recently posted..Aunt Nonna’s take on Spanish Rice
The Blue or Tan. My favorite color is purple and they will both go with my comforter.
Shauna Lynn recently posted..Aunt Nonna’s take on Spanish Rice
blue or sage!
color change Tank T – Dragonfly Flourish womens t
Solize Sunglasses – Bahama Silver to Blue
i would ask for ivory
I Love The Hoodies The Butterfly Hoodie These Are Awesome Thank You So Much For The Chance
I Would Love The Bamboo Sheet Set Love Them Thanks For This Chance So Much
Any of your products their GREAT!
Melinda recently posted..Giveaway of All Giveaways
I would love to try their color changing nail polish as well.
I would probably ask for the blue sheet set.
love love love this
I think the tote bags look great
Ivory Sheets
I love the color changing nail polish!!
The colour changing nail polish intrigues me so i’d like that too, never heard of it before
I’d have classic white sheets 🙂 doesnt matter if you change your mind about the colour of your bed spread then, as white goes with everything
I love the color changing nail polish
The sage sheets are my favorite
blue please.
I would want the sage colored sheets, The sage sheets are my favorite
I like the color changing nail polish
I would love new sheets, I need them so badly. so white sheets is my choice
the cha.nging nail polish
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
The color change sunglasses and the ivory white sheets.
Bamboo Bed Sheet Set- Sage
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I like everything. I have a use for everything in the prize package.
Jessicca Ruffell recently posted..Whats the Bzzz?
I love the dragonfly flourish tank top
The ivory or tan sheets would be my choice
The hoodies or the nail polish! Super cute items!!
the blue ones
I love the Blue Flower Shell Bracelet!
I’d love the white sheets
ilike the towel and then the nail polish
sage sheets ty
love the nail polish, love how it changes ty
I would the complete prize package thank you.
The color changing hair accesorries 🙂
The Tri Blend- Summer of Surf t shirt
i would love any of the items
I like the sage.
brown sheets please or black
I would like the trick or treat nail polish
I would like the sheets in Ivory 🙂
I like the bamboo sheets
I want to get the nail polish that changes colors in the sun for my daughters! They would love it!
The Bamboo colored sheets from Cariloha!
i love the tshirts and the color of sheets i like to have is blue.
T rex shirt small or x small hes 5t
I would need blue sheets.
My daughter would love the Princess Hair Accessories- Ariel her birthday is in november she would love this =}
I love the Bamboo Bed Sheet Set- Blue
Ivory sheets please xx
http://www.delsol.com/eSource/ecom/eSource/items/itemDetail.aspx?&page=&store=&itemNum=44103HSCN&siteId=1&bulkexists=0 purely because when i went to america years ago i actually bought this top and over wore it to the point it had to be bined so would love it again xx
ivory sheets for me xx
Colour changing nail polish xx
Bamboo sheets x
I would love to try the colour changing nail varnish
The color changing nail polish
The sage green sheets
I love the Sage colored sheets and I love Del Sol’s shirts
I like the color blue
My daughter would love the hair clips. She calls them hair pretties.
Hooded Zip Sweatshirt- Butterfly Filigree
Long Sleeve Scoop T- Peace and Paisley
i would like the blue sheets
Silver blue sheets.
Nail polish
Something dark. Blue or green
I would love the fingernail polish! It would be so cute for the teenagers I work with!
I love the sage colored sheets!
I like the Butterfly sweatshirt or the Bamboo bed sheets in blue
I like the color changing nail polish
Blue sheet set
I reaaly like the Nail Polish- Island Fever is a pretty color! Thanks for the chance!
Bamboo Bed Sheet Set- Sage
so many nice things to choose from-hard to pick-going to go with the color changing nail polish .love the kids stuff
im really lovin the blue sheets.cool and crisp
Scarves would be great to see added!
Solize Sunglasses- Fiji Pearl to Purple
Hooded Zip Sweatshirt- Butterfly Filigree
I would love the blue sheets!
I love hoodies and the color chaging nail polish. I would love PINK sheets!!!
Men’s retro wave T-shirt
I like clean crisp white sheets!
i love the bamboo sheet set in the sage color. such a refreshing color to fall asleep snuggled into.
My daughter would love the color changing nail polish. she is just shy of 2 years old and we have been painting her toe nails since she was about a week old. <3
I would want the Peace & Paisley long sleeve t-shirt from Del Sol & the tan bamboo sheets from Cariloha.
Love the Hooded Zip Sweatshirt- Butterfly Filigree , I would wear it 🙂
I think I would like the sheets in sage
probably blue
Any color sheets would make me happy.I am always using the white ones we have at work. Mind you they brand new but a girl needs some color in their life.
I like the color changing shirt.
I love the Trick or Treat nail polish.
I would love to try the Color Changing Nail Polish – Thanks!
I like the Bamboo Lined Handbag- Brass Buckle Brown, Thanks!
I like the color changing nail polish!
I like the sage sheet sets.
i like the dangling star earrings in pink from del sol
i like the sage sheets
Love the color changing nail polish and sunglasses
I would choose the sage sheets.
i love the long-sleeved butterfly t-shirt
i’d choose sage to give to my roomie
I want the nail polish! 🙂
I would like the pink sheets.
love the color changing nail polish!!
I like the color change nail polish.
Pink sheets
love the sheets in the color sage, so pretty!
I like the blue sheets.
Can’t do the bottom entry because the link is broken and I can’t find them on facebook. 🙁
I’ve actually been to the Del Sol store in Naples, FL. It was awesome! I’ve bought t-shirts for my son and nail polish for his friends and all of the items work so well! I’d love to have another skull and crossbones shirt for my little pirate!
I love the sage sheets!
Love the color changing nail polish! Also the The Tri Blend Tee- Heart & Wings!
Jennifer McCann recently posted..Winner
I love the blue and the sage sets, cant decide!
Jennifer McCann recently posted..Winner