I am here in South Carolina for my husbands family reunion and the bus trip was extremely long. We left around 1 am and got here at almost 4 pm. I feel like we were on the bus forever. Now that I really think about it we actually were on that bus forever. Anyway, I am so glad to finally be here and ready for the future festivities that are planned for the next 3 days. In the morning we are suppose to be going to a water park. Hopefully it doesn’t rain like it says it is going to. I imagine that the kids will have so much fun plus I will be sure to take plenty of pictures to keep you all updated about how our family trip is going. Stay tuned to see what goes on while we are here down south!
Do you have any family trips planned for this summer? What fun activities do you have planned?
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I won tickets to Rock City in Tennessee. It won’t be an overnight trip but it should be a good day trip. Hope you have fun and enjoy your trip.
Katherine G recently posted..A Little About Me