Bugs are creatures that I am not quite fond of. I am very squeamish every time I see them in my home. Anything that crawls that’s bigger than a lady bug I pretty much have to call my husband to kill and if he is not home, well lets just say it might die a horrible death. Around my home there is nothing but trees and land so you can guess how many bugs there are around here. I have smaller children in the house that constantly suck their thumb so finding a product that is safe around the home is a huge plus. Naturecide sent me a few products from their product line to review. These sprays are all natural, 100% chemical free, and safe to use around my dog and children. I am not really a huge plant person but they are safe to use around these as well.
First product that came is my favorite which is the pet flea and tick spray that my husband uses on our dog Diamond. I hate when we take her outside and she has all these ticks on her when she comes in. It seems to be a huge problem where we live at and every time she comes back inside my husband has to remove at least two off of her. Using this spray has kept them off and we have not seen any on her since using it. That makes me one happy camper knowing that she is tick free.
The other three products sent were industrial strength pest management, outdoor pests, and indoor pests. These are my husbands words because he was the one who used them. These are great products however, I did find myself having to spray a lot to keep the bugs away and did not work that well at keeping flying insects away. In my opinion I am very pleased because I have not seen a spider or a crawling insect inside since he has used it (knock on wood). If there is a flying insect inside the house it is because one of the little ladies or hubby left the door open. As far as the smell goes, I am not really sure because he has never used it while the kids and I are around so I can not really rate it. I can just say that there is no kind of smell when we are here after he uses it. He uses it about two to three times a week to keep the insects at bay. The flea and tick spray he uses on Diamond every day. So there you have it! Naturecide gets both thumbs up in the Brown home.
Make sure you check out their entire product line that includes bed bug spray, ant spray, and commercial products. You can also stay up to date by liking them faceook too!! Thank you Naturecide for allowing us to review your products.
Naturecide has generously offered a giveaway where there will be 5 winners. Be sure to look out for that one very soon!!
This certainly looks like a product that I would LOVE to use! It’s hard to find products to use around kids!
Erika Gilliam recently posted..Dawgs Footwear Review
Love the stuff and yes the pet can be aroiund with spray..Love it
Sounds awesome , love the fact that’s all natural and not harmful!!!!
I need it for fleas! I don’t mind other bugs. 🙂
Sounds good for me to use, it is safe for all.
We live in a very rural area and I am very interested in the flea and tick spray. I have pets and 3 children and would love to try a safer product!
I’ve been wanting to try this… i have 7 cats…lol
Would love to try this. I do not like insects!!
I would love to try it!!!
hope i win one
so need this….thanks for the giveaway good luck everyone
Sounds great! I live in the city so there aren’t quite as many bugs around to begin with – but there are still plenty!
Most definitley I would need the Pet Spray for Fleas. I recntly acquired a cat (about 6 months old) and although I keep him indoors it is that time of year and I cannot be having any fleas on him! I have noticed he’s scratching more than usual so I’d better get on top of that right away!
thanks for this great review…There are all kinds of ants out here this would be a great product to get thanks great reveiew…and i could even use this on the outside for the stray cats that keep coming in the yard and hanging on or around my front porch…for their fleas…..and the spiders YUK!!!!
i love the fact that these sprays are all natural!
I don’t see the giveaway posted here yet, but I would love to try these products. I have a child, three dogs and three cats and I’m very sensitive to scents and chemicals. I would love to use something natural that actually works.
wow sounds amazing would love to try them
Thanks for a chance… Any bug killer that is natural is an awesome thing!!!
I love anything that’s 100% chemical free and it works! Thanks for the giveaway!
anything natural is good and much safer than using chemicals around or on my pets
Sounds good. I like it.
I have cats and I am always scared to use chemicals around them,so this would be great .
Thanks for the chance to win.
with two kids this would be great i don’t have worry if its harmful
Great review Chemical free pest control is hard to come by I will definitely. Try it
Wow, it sounds like a great product!! I love that it is safe for pets and people of course. If I even see spiders alive in the house I go nuts spraying every window and door. Usually I find them dead and that means it is working. I also worry though that my dog will suffer. I want to try this product out.
love all natural!!
It sounds like it is safe for children and pets!
I have searched high and low for a non-toxic product, very happy to have found this!
I would love to give this a try. I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, a rat, a gerbil and now a sugar glider lol..
thrilled to find an alternative to chemicals for my dog and will ease her flea-bite suffering
Great review. I think anything that really keeps away the creepy-crawlers is a great product. We’ve tried a few things in the past with really no luck. Thanks for the review!
My pets could really use this, sounds great!
Anything ”Natural” is GREAT!!!!!!!
fleas and roaches
Sounds awesome , love the fact that’s all natural and not harmful!!!!
really love to give it a try!
I would like to try these as well. I like that they are safe around kids and pets!
I like the fact that they are all natural. Very curious though if they contain cedar oil?? My middle son is very sensitive to cedar oil sadly because that works great too.
Melissa B. recently posted..Happy Dance!
I have 3 little ones so I feel much more comfortable using a product like this that is safe around children!
Living in Florida I really need this. We have tried several brands already this year and none of them seemed to work well.
It seems like a safe product that I can use around my kids.
This sounds like a product I need I hope to win and get hooked and make it fit into my budget cuz it sounds awesome!!
Great Review!!
Angel Poling recently posted..Win Skull Nail Shields, Easy Entries, In Celebration Of My Facebook Fans
I want to try this! Good review!!!
sounds great
My husband’s cat keeps going outside, hopefully this will prevent fleas. I hope I win 🙂 Thank you bbproductsL
Being a pet owner of many felines means that I am always fighting the flea battle. This product appeals to me since it is safe for animals and doesn’t use harsh chemicals. I’d love to try it!
moved into a new apt last week and we have all been bitten by fleas, all of our pets live at the farm and now with us in town so the fleas must have been left behind by the former tenants
Sounds like a good spray ! Thanks for the giveaway !
this product is something i would use for fleas
this would be great to win to try!!! thanks
I have been looking for a product that is safe around kids and pets 🙂
I would love to be able to try this, we have fleas bad this year in the south, as I am sure alot of areas do as well.
Sounds like a great product, would love to try it. 🙂
Thank you for the review can’t wait to try them.
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discovery of something new accurate and research-based information, and thorough and careful explanations.
Gypsum Bed Bug Spray