Let’s talk about hand bags and how much I love them. I was not always this way and you could not pay me to keep one on my arm. I have grown out of that completely and love having the cutest bag on the block. A few weeks ago I was introduced to a site called Bag Blaze and all of the cute hand bags that they have to offer. Not only do they have a great selection daily, they are inexpensive and won’t break your wallet. You can find just about any bag there for under forty bucks. Let’s be honest, who wants to spend a fortune on a bag that after you buy it you are too broke to put anything in it? I sure don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I love Coach and Dooney & Burke but I just can not afford one right now.
Every day around 10 am (pst) they have a brand new blazing hot deal for some of the best hand bags that they have found. These only last 72 hours so if you see something you really like it is best to hop on it as quickly as possible. You can even take a look at some of the past deals that you missed.
When choosing a hand bag to review, I had a pretty hard time. It took about forty minutes going back and forth until I finally decided on this one. It was a little edgy for my taste but I thought what the heck, try something different. I am glad I did because when it came I was absolutely in love with it. I have gotten so many compliments on this bag. I even had a couple of people trying to keep it for themselves. That makes me feel good when choosing an item and every one else wants it but nobody I know has it.
I am extremely happy with my selection and the quality of this bag. It is very sturdy and made well. I can fit everything I need and then some in it. Bag blaze surely will be my number one go to for any future purchases.
If you like this bag, be sure to check out the many other ones they have for sale on bag blaze. This is definitely a great site for all of my divas who have an obsession for hand bags. There is always something fresh and new on the site plus shipping and returns are free. You can also like them on facebook for updates and promotions. Lastly, don’t forget to head back over here tomorrow night. One lucky reader will be able to win this bag in our Monday night flash giveaway. See you soon!
That is definetly a different purse not like one I have seen. I like it a lot.
Iwould call it Ol Faithful