$25 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway

Who would love some extra spending money for Walmart?? We all shop there, right?!
So ease the burden on your wallet and Enter to WIN this $25 Walmart Gift Card!
Entry is easy…there are only a few tasks!
Giveaway will run from 4/14 – 4/15 11:59 pm EST
Wait for the Rafflecopter to load and enter below:


  1. says

    I learned that Some who have been diagnosed with autism may benefit from behavioral therapy which will develop their social and interpersonal skills

    Claudia .

  2. says

    I didn't realize there were so many types and variations of autism. I had a cousin who worked with autistic children and found it very rewarding. I have another cousin who has autism.

  3. says

    I work with adults with developmental disabilities, and as the article stated their is no two people alike with PDD. Good article thank you for sharing. loriagalbraith at gmail dot com

  4. says

    I have seen and known people with autism.. most of them are very smart. I feel for the families with loved ones with autism. Most of them I have seen are very strong willed.

  5. Pamela Barron says

    I work with someone who is considered high functioning. He is one of the top performers in our group.

  6. Anonymous says

    dont know why my 1st comment didnt publish? I'm not anonymous I'm Colleen, ctmcolleen(at)yahoo(Dot)com
    Great article. We all need to work together to find a solution for this disease. Autism has such a high ratio of births affected by this, we will all soon know someone w/ this disease. Its not fair to the children.

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