I am opening up a brand new giveaway with very easy entries. There will be 5 winners and you will have your choice of $10 PayPal or a Walmart, Target, Ulta, Old Navy, Toys R Us, Wawa, Kroger, Amazon, Applebees, kmart or TGIFridays gift card. This is open world wide so all my international fans please feel free to enter if there is something on this list that is available to you. All entries will be verified.
I love that you give us feedback on the things you giveaway – its really helpful. I'm new to this and I've enjoyed looking at your blog- thank you 🙂
Hello i am new 2 this an i love giveaways an enjoy looking at ur posts an blog!! thanks so much:)
New to site but I like your blog. Thank you!
i absolutely love ur giveaways and would not want u to anything diff
amy miller
I love your giveaways! You ask us what we would like and you try your best to give it to us. Definitely appreciate you
I love your giveaways!
sorry i was already with im not sure if it still.counts hope so. i wouldnt change a thing if i were you
love giveaways
New to the site, and I love it so far. 🙂 I was also already signed up with NMR, so I hope my entry counts. 🙂 Thanks!
I am new to the site, but seems pretty cool thus far! I love giveaways!!! Already signed up for NMR!
I love the giveaways!!! Thanks! Paula Gillespie
Ohh this sounds like a very fun giveaway fingers crossed to win !!
I am new as well. But I like what I have seen so far!
I'd like to win. Lol. Jk. I like giveaways. There's always a chance. Thanks!!
love giveaways. especially when you get a choice of what card you can use.
Giveaways rock
I like the giveaways – I also like when you do short, smaller giveaways. Smaller prize, but bigger chance to win 🙂
isabelli3619 {at} aol {dot} com
i love all of your giveaways and enjoy all the information on your blog. I especially love the fact that your blog is easy to manuver and it doesnt freeze up my pc. ty 😀
Thanks for all the wonderful giveaways and they opportunity to win!
Awesome giveaway going on here 🙂
I prefer the giveaways for smaller prizes because you're more likely to win.
Although I will still enter large giveaways just for the hope that I might win. (:
allishagold at volcano dot net
I love your giveaways! Thanks so much for them! The only thing I would change is having to type the code in every time you post a comment its such a pain, I can never read them and its so much extra work. ~ Kristin D
I love your giveaways!! especially the ones for kid stuff
I like paypal giveaways as it means anybody can enter
i love everything you do on your blog, i love all of your giveaways mostly gift cards
I love all of your giveaways, especially giftcards!
i think you do great..
Edward P.
Honestly, I think you are doing a great job with your giveaways and information. I'm not sure if I would change a thing.
I'm new to BB Product Reviews. I like the Giveaways at your site! I really can't find anything for you to change – so keep up the good work! 🙂
I love your giveaways & that the entries are done through rafflecopter. It makes them easy to enter.
I love your giveaways!
I love your posts! I think you do your giveaways right, through rafflecopter to make it fair. I think your blog is great! Thanks!!
I love your giveaways and that you use Rafflecopter. Thank you for all that you do for us!
I love your giveaways also. I REALLY like the fact that you leave the choice up to us as to what we want to choose. Not all people have PayPal or use Amazon etc.
I love your giveaways! You are doing an awesome job!
-Melissa Valencia
I love the giveaways you do. No need to change them.
I love the giveaways and doing it through the rafflecopter. The only thing I would like to see is maybe shorter amount of time for the giveaways. That way there wouldn't be as many entries and a better chance of winning!
your amazing as u r stay the same!
New to your site Thanks for the giveaway!! :)Cassie Symington
Your giveaways make my day!
I love your giveaways and I love that you seek input from your fans!
I would love to win this giveaway, anything is appreciated. thanks
Your giveaways are great! No complaints at all =o)
Thank you for the opportunity! I am new to your blog and think your giveaways are amazing! 🙂
I think the giveaways are fun to enter & awesome to win, hope to…tyvm
I just found your site, and I really like your giveaways! They are for really nice prizes. But I already seem to have missed some recent ones. I am going to remember to look for your giveaways in the evenings!
I love the giveaways you do. And rafflecopter makes them so easy to enter!
I love your give aways I wouldn't change anything..I think that gift cards are the best!!
I love the giveaways!
I wouldn't change a thing! Thanks so much for the giveaways!
i love the gift cards and paypal!
I enjoy doing the giveaways. It is so much fun and I believe everyone really appreciates it! I also love the rafflecopter, makes everything so much easier! Thank you!
Awesome giveaways… wouldn't change anything 🙂
I enjoy your giveaways especially the ones which a sponsor has given you the opportunity to use the item/prize. As it is a first hand review and I really appreciate reading reviews from bloggers I trust! Thank you!!
Thanks 4 asking. You doing just fine 😉
I love your giveaways. Wouldn't change a thing.
I love your giveaways and would like to see burlington coat factory tj maxx marshalls.
I love giveaways, those that use rafflecopter. I like short entries, fast, just one click. I have a family and a house to take care of, so, I don't want to spend a lot of time clicking entries take forever to load.
thank you for the chance. your giveaways are great!
The features that I like about your blog that I truely wish other bloggers would use as well are The White Background so we can easily see the page, and that you clearly see the social share buttons under each post inorder to use and not have to copy the URL to the page inorder to share. And best of all rafflecopter to use for entering the giveaways, its so much easier to use and remembers the persons info when they return daily to share the giveaway. And that you have a winners page. And I too use to use word captcha but I took it off because I think it scares people off more, and they will only come in to use it for a giveaway & not so much to just comment on a non giveaway page or review. I don't think it helps any on spammers. Thanks sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
I love giveaways, especially ones with just a few, easy entries. I also like giveaways for household, children's and movie items.
april yedinak
I am new to your site, but I do love what I see….
I haven't done your giveaways before, but from looking at a few of your and entering them they seem to be fine– I love reviews because it gives me an insite if it is a sponsor I would care for and if I want to enter that special giveaway, I appreciate you asking,thanks. Seems to be great to me.
I. Love giveaways. And you do awesome ones
I love your give. Aways you. Do a great. Job
Love your giveaways, I wouldn't change a thing!
I love your giveaways, I enter them all!
I love them! Maybe you can do some pet related ones;)
I enjoy your giveaways and blog posts as well as your facebook page, thanks for all the information and fun stuff! I was already signed up for nomorerack.com too! Thanks!
I absolutely love all your amazing reviews & giveaways!! I'm one of those people who have to really check up on a product before buying it and reading reviews really help me to decide 🙂 Not to mention the chance of winning stuff is quite exciting!!
Thanks for yet another awesome giveaway,
Kelly Burroughs Crowell – kjb1977 at live dot com
Your giveaways are great – Thanks so much!!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
i love your giveaway! i like that some of them are WW. I live in canada but im lucky cause i have a US address as well so i can get stuff shipped there if no one can ship to canada but it does suck cause ppl will see im from canada and automatically disqualify me:( (cause they dont know i also have a mailing address in the US) but i noticed also lots of US located blogs only ship to US but lots of blogs located at the other side of the world are all international so i dont see how them sending it across the world would be any different from someone from the US sending it to canada. I also dont know how all that stuff works but this is my only issue with blog giveaways. I also love paypal giveaways cause there is no problems at all with me being in canada cause all they need is an email:)
Your blog is great as well as your giveaways! 🙂 keep up the good work!
I love your giveaways.. everythings perfect!
I am new to your site, but the giveaways I've seen are great.
Thanks for the opportunities.
I love everything! I don't think u need to change a thing 🙂
I have only been a fan for about a month now but love your page. I found you through another giveaway. How funny!
The one thing I might change is not to group likes and follows together. Make them each have their own entry. My computer has a hard time jumping in and out of different sites Google+ and pinterest to name a few. It would make it nice to have an entry for the giveaways for each time you follow another page. Thanks for this chance to give a little feedback. This for doing so much for your fans. couponmaster11 = Deb Kovac
I love the giveaways, specially the beauty stuff and the gift cards, I prefer to shop in store so it works better for me if the GC are for in store, not just for online places.
I love it you have soo many. For international options, I would do something where a person can order online so shipping costs stay down.
seyma Shabbir
I would love to know what you think of my giveaways. What you like, what you would change, what international options I could have. Please comment below. I just love to win anything but cash always helps out the most because it could be used toward anything! 😉
I like your giveaways, always easy to enter and I love reading the reviews you give. Thank you for the chances to win cool things!
sarah m
I have no idea how to enter this one but I realy want to cause I love giveaways and freebees there so fun