Welcome to Hello Spring! Cash Giveaway hosted by Diva Fabulosa andThe Freebie Junkie !
Spring is here and it’s time for new beginnings! We have teamed up with some fabulous bloggers to bring you a grand prize of $800 to help you start something you always wanted to do or get something you always wanted to have.
Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below in order to join this giveaway. Open to residents WORLDWIDE; 18+. Winner must have a PayPal account in order to claim the cash prize.
Only the first 3 entries are mandatory and the rest are optional, but of course the more entries you complete, the greater your chances of winning this prize! This giveaway will end on April 21, 2012 @ 11:59PM (EST).
Please note that you only need to enter this giveaway ONCE since we are all using the SAME Rafflecopter widget code.
If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
pay bills and groceries
I would get me and my son some new clothes and definately get him a bike! he's wanted one so bad!
I would buy 2 new tires for the back of my car. If i have enough left over maybe an oil change and some gas.
we are saving for some needed work done on our house. It would go into that.
Pay bills & get groceries.
I would use it to pay bills and buy some gardening stuff for the summer. I'm sure I would spend some on my kids, they can always use something else in the summer for fun!!!
First I would get it all in eight hundred dollar bills and run through it!Then I would kiss it goodbye and pay off bills.Thank you for the giveaway.
Pay bills and save the rest to buy a car 🙂
Wow – I think I'd splurge on one of the new iPads!
What would I do with $800? I would definitely pay for school books….maybe give some to my parents for bills..times are kinda hard
I would pay my credit card
I'd like to take my sisters and my boyfriend shopping. I'd probably save the rest. 🙂 Thanks for offering the giveaway!
Household expenses! 😀 There's plenty of them, unfortunately……
I would buy groceries and then take my mother shopping at the mall, because she deserves it.
I would put it toward my new car fund!
I'd buy lot and lots of clothes! XD
My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would pay all of my bills, get tags for my car & buy my babies things they need
pay bills
I would use most of it toward bills and put a little bit aside into my "saving for tablet computer/Ipad" fund.
Vacation fund!!!
take my mom on a shopping trip! ~ Kristin D
Put it towards my TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatment!
I would buy some new furniture and get my hair done, and get some things for my grandkids
A Bike trailer for the kids and a bike for my hubby so we could all ride together.
A new baby carrier and some spring stuff
I would probably get a new vacuum with a UV light to kill germs, I am caring for a relative in my home (I am a nurse), she can't fight any virus or infection.
It will go into my savings for a down payment on a house for my little family!
This would help with some bills
Down payment on a new car, I need one very bad!!!!
I would pay off some bills and buy some things for my new baby!
I would pay rent! 🙂
i need lots of new clothes, everything is old and either holey or doesn't fit right anymore
Disney fund!
I would pay off the rest of my credit card bills. My FB name is Jennifer Cooke-Struve
Get a new look! (:
I would be able to afford a moving truck so my soon to be husband can be closer together 🙂
Pay bills.
Shelia Garrett
bills n much needed clothes n shoes for toddler
Pay bills like everyone else. Buy gas and groceries.
I would use it to pay my vacation bills & to have some extra cash for my vacation next month!
Pay part of our Disney trip. It would help so much!
Nshamblin81 at yahoo com
I would use it to pay for school!
i would buy a pair of new shoes.
I've got custody of my Grandson, this would sure help us out!
Help pay toward braces for son.
This would make it more possible to send my son to see his grandfather after graduation,before going into the service
Pay off bills
Buy cloth diapers and other things for the new baby, and get my daughter some playground equipment!
I would use the monery to buy my kids new clothes and pay some bills
Pay the deposit on the apartment I'm saving up for!!!
Jessica Sheffield
Save it for when we move 🙂
If I won $800 I would do a little shopping and pay off some bills!
if i won i would use the money to buy my baby girl some stuff and some stuff for my step daughter and try to get custody of her.
Put it towards a holiday.
My son is 17 and wanting a car so I'd add it to his car money. If I would win this I think we would be able to go car shopping right way. Thanks for the chance. I hope you have a great day 🙂
If I won I would be so happy an I would buy clothes, because I've been struggling and have not buy anything since last year 🙁
If I won I would buy my homeschool curriculum for next year and buy tickets to fly out and visit my SIL while her husband is on leave with the Navy.
Get my daughter a laptop and spend the rest on school supplies for our homeschool.
april yedinak
First baby fund :]
tweeted again today and shared on my FB- twitter-https://twitter.com/#!/snowbear74/status/188392453181673472
I would use the money to buy gas and groceries. My husband lost his job in December and this would be a great help. Paula Gillespie
id be doin some serious online small buisness shopping!!!!
Pay bills, groceries and for corrective therapy for my sons learning disability.
I would use it to getting my freezer stocked back up from everything we used during the winter!
I would use it on groceries, and coupons to save money on the groceries.
Pay of some bills for sure 🙂
~ I would definitely pay bills. They back up fast.
To pay my son swimming class and another activities in the summer
Apply it to my bills!
Put it in our Disney fund or maybe take a mini vacation!
I'd buy my nephew a computer to play on. He hasn't got one :/
I really need some new clothes, but will probably put half of it up to use as gas money to go see family
use the money for blogher w/ buddy
I will this 800 towards a trip to blogher in NYC with my friend 🙂
It will go towards my college education.
I would use it to go on vacation…. or maybe pay some bills like the responsible adult that I am.
vacation money and money for 'Chloie Bug's Bowtique' so I can buy more ribbon! 🙂
I will take my granddaughter on a special vacation. Bonnie @nashepa@hotmail.com
Would definitely help after paying taxes this year :/
It would pay part of my medical bill! 🙂
I would pay bills, of course. & get a little something for my parents with Mother's Day & Father's Day coming up.
pay bills and get my mother and mother in law something for mother's day
The blog i entered this contest on is B B Product Reviews.
I live in Los Angeles and haven't seen my family back home in Texas for over 6 years. I miss them more than i can say so i would use my winnings and surprise everyone with ME!!
when i post under "anonymous" will my entry count???? That's the only way i can get it to post. Please let me know….Thanks! Meg Tucker
Yes, your entry will count. Thanks for asking.
With the 800 dollars I would pay my bills BUT I would keep some money to take my mom and my mother in law to a much needed SPA day. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Good luck everyone!