Welcome to the Weekend Amazon Flash Giveaway! One lucky shopaholic will win a $30 Amazon gift card to add to their Amazon fund. Kindle Fire anyone?
Lots of chances to win — just use the Rafflecopter form below and complete as many entries as you’d like. Giveaway ends on 3/25 and is open to worldwide.
textbooks for my kids
My Amazon Wishlist Item is a Kindle Fire!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
makeup brushes
Silver and Saphire Star Ring, that I want to get for my daughters Sweet 16!! 🙂 Kelli Avery
kindle fire <3!
I would buy some really great books on Amazon, and maybe a movie that I like!
Davy Jones Autobiography
Angry bird speaker
zeno machine for my daughter
kindle fire 🙂
Kindle. 🙂
The item on my Amazon wish list is a book called Minding My Mitochondria: How I overcame secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and got out of my wheelchair
embroidery machine or a camera
An iPod Touch!
Awesome bookcases I found for my granddaughters room.
Star Trek Voyager Season 1 on DVD
New shoes!!! LOL…
i have just a few things on my amazon wish list, first is a pair of dansko shoes!! i love their shoes, they are just so expensive!
I would like a Kindle, So if I win I will buy one!!!!
Kathleen Quinlan
Donna Marie Buttercreme….so want to get it!!!
I am saving up for a new camera.
Right now I have new shoes and clothes sitting in my cart.
i want the kindle fire so bad!
Wireless keyboard and mouse!
I want the kindle fire so bad!
roku box
marshamalinda@yahoo.com Marsha Webb
Awesome Music!
The Kindle Fire!
Redeeming Love for my Kindle!
I am saving up for a drive from Ohio to Florida so my in laws can meet their newest grandchild (18 months). Anything Amazon has that can make the drive easier with two kids is on my 'wish list'.
They have a collection of Texas folklore I grew up with called "Stories That Must Not Die." I would love to buy one and donate it to my kids' school library.
Dell XPS X14Z-6923SLV 14-Inch Laptop would be on my wish list on Amazon!
FIRST OF ALL, THANK U FOR THIS GIVEAWAY!!! AMAZON IS THE BEST, HANDS DOWN!!! I just put another two orders in to them last night, I love them so much!!!!! One of my wishlist items is an IPAD, can't afford one but, a girl can dream:))
The book kit For Couples Only
Books seem to be the most frequent item on my amazon wishlist but being amazon there is a ton of items on it that I desperately want either for my children, husband or myself so not sure which would be the top item