Marketing HQ: Using Headquarters For Advertising

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Stand out from the crowd is the number one rule of advertising. The second is to be creative and unique. Put them together and you get what is known as HQ marketing. The premise is simple: use the premises to raise awareness of the brand. Hundreds and maybe thousands of people walk past your offices on a daily basis depending on the location. If you understand the tricks of the trade, you may be able to mobilize them and add to your customer base.


Although it’s not easy, it’s worth a shot. So, here are the main points to keep in mind. This is how to use your HQ for advertising purposes.


Review The Tenancy Agreement

First thing’s first – this isn’t possible if the geography isn’t right. Huge corporations can use their HQ to great effect because the location is perfect. Think of the likes of Google and Apple and every other business in the heart of Silicon Valley. An industrial unit in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to grab anyone’s attention. So, if this is important to you and the firm, review the tenancy agreement and walk through your options. Can you get out of the deal and limit the damage, allowing you to move to a new building?


Deck Out The Windows

It’s incredible how many ground floor windows, massive bay ones, are untouched. Passers-by walk past and don’t blink an eye because there is nothing to see. However, they want to read about the latest deals and offers and developments regarding the firm. Firstly, it’s tricky not to look when a window dressing is big and dramatic. Secondly, it relieves the boredom the journey. Lucent Wraps can help thanks to its range of window wraps and banners. You can stand the latter outside of the property for extra effect. A tip: make sure the advert is relatable.


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Buy A Logo

What’s the first thing you think of when you imagine the headquarters of a huge conglomerate? It’s the logo, the swoosh or the arches or the half-eaten apple. A logo is essential branding and the offices are the perfect place to show off. Sadly, small and medium business owners don’t agree. For some reason, there’s a myth that the company needs to be reputable before it buys a brand symbol. It’s nonsense because anyone, big or tiny, can purchase one and place it on their building and benefit from increased awareness. It works because customers assume you’re a player in the game thanks to the logo.


Get TV Time

People don’t have to stand next to the premises to see your brand; they can be in their front rooms watching TV. With a slot on a local or national channel, a couple of strategic images of your HQ will stick in the viewers’ brains. Even if they don’t realize it, the subliminal advertising will encourage them to think of your company and use your services. Use the internet too as it’s a web of images and videos.


People walk past your building every day – how are you going to get their attention?


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